Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 30 10 11 2 53
Losses - 55 44 4 5 108
Win Ratio - 35.3% 18.5% 73.3% 28.6% 32.9%
Pool Victories - 25 9 6 2 42
Pool Losses - 44 36 3 4 87
Pool Win Ratio - 36.2% 20.0% 66.7% 33.3% 32.6%
DE Victories - 5 1 5 - 11
DE Losses - 11 8 1 1 21
DE Win Ratio - 31.2% 11.1% 83.3% 0.0% 34.4%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - 8 5 6 - 19
Easy wins as % of wins - 26.7% 50.0% 54.5% 0.0% 35.8%
Close wins - 7 - - 2 9
Close wins as % of all wins - 23.3% 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% 17.0%
Close losses - 6 4 - - 10
Close losses as % of all losses - 10.9% 9.1% 0.0% 0.0% 9.3%
Big losses - 23 24 2 3 52
Big losses as % of all losses - 41.8% 54.5% 50.0% 60.0% 48.1%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.

Bouts with Time Expired

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - 1 - - - 1
Victories as % of all victories - 3.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9%
Losses - 1 1 - - 2
Losses as % of all losses - 1.8% 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9%
Total - 2 1 - - 3
Total as % of all bouts - 2.4% 1.9% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9%


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - 12 8 2 1 23
Tournaments - 10 6 2 1 19

Competition History

National Championships and July Challenge (Summer Nationals)

Junior Men's Foil (A4, JNR), June 30, 2024
Place 374 of 422, Seed 419, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 YUE Jackson 313 D24 360 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 1637 1618 11.8 49%
Pool L 0:5 SADOVSKY Leor B. 53 59 B24 76 LA International Fencing 3019 1606 0.4 1%
Pool L 1:2 YAP Nathan 176 B24 196 OnTarget Fencing Club / Invicta Sports 2262 1606 3.9 14%
Pool L 0:5 XIE Buster 193 B24 41 2229 1602 4.1 15%
Pool L 3:5 HE Patrick 69 80 A24 161 Star Fencing Academy / Shoreline Fencers Club 2794 1598 0.9 2%
Pool W 5:2 LI Avery Peihong 297 C23 340 SoCAL Fencing Center 2275 1597 24.6 13%

Jeff Wolfe Long Island Challenge ROC

Div II Men's Foil (C2, DV2), April 20, 2024
Place 44 of 51, Seed 51, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:0 CRESSER Matthew 50 U 50 Mission Fencing Center 1161 1656 5.5 77%
Pool L 0:5 ZHUANG Chuanxuan 37 E23 19 Gold Fencing Club 1819 1661 9.9 40%
Pool L 3:5 ARUL Girish 30 E24 27 Medeo Fencing Club 1548 1651 13.9 57%
Pool L 2:5 TANG xianchi 21 D23 36 Fencers Club Inc. 1683 1637 11.4 47%
Pool L 1:5 JIMENEZ Naveen 17 D23 6 Fencing Academy Of Westchester 1992 1626 6.9 27%
Pool L 1:5 STRAYER Andrew 1 C24 2 Delaware Valley Fencers Club-PA 2715 1619 1.2 3%
T64 L 10:15 WANG Brian 4 C23 15 Fencers Club Inc. 2105 1492 15.5 16%

March SJCC

Junior Men's Foil (A4, JNR), March 15, 2024
Place 171 of 184, Seed 182, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 LING Eddie 14 62 B24 13 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 2646 1681 1.8 5%
Pool L 1:5 YAP Nathan 95 C24 105 OnTarget Fencing Club / Invicta Sports 2300 1679 4.4 15%
Pool L 3:5 GONG Benjamin 41 116 B23 5 Jovanovic Fencing / Cambridge Fencing Center 2675 1675 1.7 5%
Pool L 3:5 LEVY Jacob 122 C23 110 AIC Fencing Club 2087 1673 6.6 25%
Pool L 1:5 SUN Ryan 152 D23 129 1973 1667 7.9 31%
Pool L 2:5 AKYAMAC Bora 67 156 B24 114 Manchen Academy Of Fencing / Medeo Fencing Club 2433 1659 3.0 10%
T256 L 4:15 SMITH Grant D. 104 C23 95 Massialas Foundation (M Team) 2297 1502 10.7 10%

Junior Olympics

Cadet Men's Foil (A4, CDT), February 19, 2024
Place 192 of 313, Seed 312, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 GAO Payton 139 C24 140 V Fencing Club 2256 1632 4.5 15%
Pool W 5:3 YANG Ethan J. 224 D23 237 Epic Fencing Club / SCAD- Atlanta Fencing 1920 1627 18.4 31%
Pool W 5:3 WANG Mason 42 50 C23 51 Moe Fencing Club LLC 2460 1646 29.2 9%
Pool L 3:5 RASMUSSEN Sage 48 57 B24 43 North Bay Fencing Academy / West Berkeley Fencing Club 2541 1675 2.5 8%
Pool L 1:5 DOELL Ethan 132 C24 241 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2172 1672 5.7 20%
Pool W 5:3 HARROCH Faustin 231 E24 208 Rain City Fencing Center 1774 1667 14.5 43%
T256 L 8:15 TIKHAEV Alexander 77 95 B24 83 AIC Fencing Club 2562 1508 5.5 5%

2024 Winter Thrust RYC/RJCC

Junior Men's Foil (B2, JNR), February 3, 2024
Place 44 of 59, Seed 54, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:2 CHEN Ethan 37 D23 51 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2198 1617 25.2 17%
Pool L 3:5 GUO Justin 1 108 B23 10 5T Fencers Club 2478 1642 2.8 8%
Pool L 1:5 WANG Mason 18 C23 7 Moe Fencing Club LLC 2458 1639 2.9 9%
Pool L 1:5 YAO Bradley 19 C23 20 Star Fencing Academy 2412 1637 3.2 10%
Pool L 2:5 ARCE Andrew W. 38 D23 15 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2011 1633 7.4 27%
Pool W 4:3 CHA James 57 U 58 Top Fencing Club / Manhattan Fencing Center 1113 1626 5.7 79%
T64 L 3:15 SHAO Eric 20 C23 23 Star Fencing Academy 2284 1520 11.9 11%

Metro Division Junior Olympic Foil Qualifier

Junior Men's Foil (U, JNR), December 30, 2023
Place 4 of 5, Seed 5, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 SEIB-LEVINSON Conrad 2 C23 2 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1756 1637 11.6 42%
Pool W 5:4 MENDEZ Ren 4 U 5 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1065 1625 5.4 82%
Pool L 3:5 HUNTER Phillip 3 E23 3 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1622 1631 13.6 51%
Pool L 1:5 BAUMSTEIN Nicholas 1 A21 1 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club / University Of N Carolina/chapel Hill Ncaa 3393 1617 0.1 < 1%
T8 W 15:14 MENDEZ Ren 4 U 5 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1117 1493 26.2 72%
T4 L 3:15 BAUMSTEIN Nicholas 1 A21 1 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club / University Of N Carolina/chapel Hill Ncaa 3591 1520 0.1 < 1%

Nittany Lion Cup RYC/RJCC

Cadet Men's Foil (C2, CDT), December 17, 2023
Place 17 of 30, Seed 29, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:4 TJON Calum 19 E23 10 Top Fencing Club 1897 1611 20.6 32%
Pool W 5:3 SRINIVASAN Vedant 2 113 D23 19 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 2154 1631 25.6 19%
Pool W 5:2 SUN Henry 13 D23 24 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 1723 1657 15.4 46%
Pool L 2:5 BRAUTIGAM Nolan 23 U 20 1019 1672 26.0 85%
Pool L 3:5 KENNEDY christo 9 D23 6 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 1913 1646 9.3 33%
T32 L 14:15 BASKIN Lukáš 16 E23 16 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 1696 1532 38.7 40%

Nittany Lion Cup RYC/RJCC

Junior Men's Foil (C2, JNR), December 16, 2023
Place 24 of 40, Seed 38, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:2 LEE Gidon 36 U 30 1330 1573 10.5 65%
Pool W 5:4 BASKIN Lukáš 24 E23 34 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 1702 1583 17.9 42%
Pool W 5:2 STANOEV Sava 12 D23 16 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 2390 1601 32.4 10%
Pool L 2:5 RADOSLAVOV Ivan-Asen 1 130 D23 2 Fencers Club Inc. 2380 1634 3.9 11%
Pool L 3:5 CHEN Ethan 13 D23 8 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2156 1630 6.3 19%
Pool L 1:5 TAM Kyle 26 E23 17 Moe Fencing Club LLC 1732 1623 12.8 43%
T32 L 7:15 LEVY Jacob 10 C23 6 AIC Fencing Club 2265 1547 15.1 13%

Manhattan Fencing Center Foil Liberty Cup

Div III Men's Foil (E1, DV3), December 9, 2023
Place 5 of 15, Seed 10, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:3 WALDROOP Cuin 6 U 11 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1127 1540 8.5 74%
Pool W 5:2 MAIDENBERG Ezra 3 U 13 Manhattan Fencing Center 831 1549 4.9 85%
Pool W 5:2 KRZYWON Dylan 7 U 10 Manhattan Fencing Center 1212 1554 9.6 71%
Pool L 2:5 MILLER Dillon 9 U 2 2035 1563 7.5 23%
Pool W 5:1 GUNTUR Preston 15 U 14 Queens Fencing Club LLC / East Coast Fencing Club 472 1556 1.9 95%
Pool W 5:3 PAN Brian 2 U 6 Staten Island Fencing Center 1568 1558 15.1 49%
T16 W 15:3 GUNTUR Preston 15 U 14 Queens Fencing Club LLC / East Coast Fencing Club 1358 1562 35.2 60%
T8 L 12:15 MARTIRE Luca 4 U 3 Manhattan Fencing Center 1651 1597 49.9 47%

Jersey Clash RYC/RJCC& Y8

Cadet Men's Foil (A2/B3, CDT), October 15, 2023
Place 63 of 100, Seed 89, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 BRAIZINHA Thomas 31 D23 25 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 1980 1610 10.1 27%
Pool L 3:5 MATSUUCHI Lance 93 U 77 5T Fencers Club 995 1600 29.6 82%
Pool W 5:4 PECK Quinn 30 D23 72 Bucks County Academy Of Fencing - West 1616 1571 18.2 47%
Pool L 2:5 TRAUGOT Owen G. 1 28 A23 5 Manhattan Fencing Center 2797 1589 1.2 2%
Pool L 4:5 SICAT Justin 60 E23 38 Manchen Academy Of Fencing 1534 1588 18.2 54%
Pool L 4:5 WILSON Eric 63 E22 88 Candlewood Fencing Center 1017 1569 29.2 81%
T128 W 15:7 BASKIN Lukáš 58 E23 66 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 1774 1497 82.4 34%
T64 L 11:15 NICOLL William 37 D23 23 The Storm King School 2286 1580 17.9 13%

Jersey Clash RYC/RJCC& Y8

Junior Men's Foil (A2/B3, JNR), October 14, 2023
Place 60 of 91, Seed 89, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 MAO Lucas 29 C23 18 AIC Fencing Club 2229 1626 6.9 16%
Pool L 2:5 MILLER Dillon 79 U 51 Brooklyn Fencing Center 2338 1619 5.5 14%
Pool L 4:5 WONG Jackson 23 C23 43 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) / Fencers Club Inc. 2320 1614 5.4 12%
Pool W 5:1 SUN Henry 59 E23 59 Pittsburgh Fencers Club 1639 1608 19.2 48%
Pool L 3:5 JURMAN Therin 49 D23 74 Top Fencing Club 1741 1627 15.5 43%
Pool L 1:5 PO Oliver 4 112 B23 26 V Fencing Club 2745 1612 1.6 3%
T128 W 15:7 LI Allen 78 U 69 Fencers Club Inc. 1861 1390 115.8 23%
T64 L 3:15 TANG Albert 8 151 C23 17 OnTarget Fencing Club 2549 1506 8.8 5%

The 9-State Fencing Cup RYC/RCC

Cadet Men's Foil (C2, CDT), October 7, 2023
Place 25 of 59, Seed 57, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:1 MATTOS Luis Felipe 37 E23 50 Medeo Fencing Club 1626 1559 22.7 46%
Pool W 5:4 MASTROPAOLO Jonah W. 35 E23 24 Candlewood Fencing Center 1863 1582 28.3 32%
Pool L 2:5 ARCE Andrew W. 17 D23 15 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 1911 1610 12.8 31%
Pool W 5:3 CHUN Zachary 53 U 58 Jovanovic Fencing 974 1598 6.8 85%
Pool W 5:3 YANG Dylan 20 D23 39 Moe Fencing Club LLC 1790 1605 24.3 38%
Pool L 2:5 MATSAKH Philip 2 57 B23 1 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2591 1629 2.9 6%
T64 W 15:8 TAM Kyle 34 E23 42 Moe Fencing Club LLC 1458 1306 94.3 41%
T32 L 9:15 CHEN Hanson 6 C23 10 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2472 1400 9.5 5%

Premier Challenge ROC/VET/RJCC

Junior Men's Foil (A3, JNR), April 9, 2023
Place 66 of 76, Seed 75, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 ELWOOD Sebastian F. 6 90 B23 2 Epic Fencing Club / Fencers Club Inc. 2730 1476 1.4 2%
Pool L 2:5 KOVACS Wyatt 50 D23 51 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2194 1475 6.4 12%
Pool W 5:3 SHAPIRO Leon 60 E23 60 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2055 1468 41.9 17%
Pool L 1:5 LI Arvin 28 B22 12 Gold Fencing Club 2583 1510 2.4 4%
Pool W 5:2 FINLEY Dylan 40 C22 32 Space City Fencing Academy 2444 1508 53.5 6%
Pool L 0:5 HE Xiangrui 16 B23 41 Star Fencing Academy / Shoreline Fencers Club 2696 1561 1.9 3%
T128 L 12:15 KALIPERSAD Neil A. 33 C23 63 East Coast Fencing Club 2202 1324 18.4 9%

Premier Challenge ROC/VET/RJCC

Cadet Men's Foil (C2, CDT), April 8, 2023
Place 62 of 63, Seed 51, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 TANG Alexander L. 4 71 D23 14 OnTarget Fencing Club 2243 1553 7.7 13%
Pool L 1:5 CHENG Austyn 60 U 53 Mid-Island Fencing Academy / Future Stars Fencing & Sports Center 1570 1546 24.0 48%
Pool L 2:5 MASTROPAOLO Jonah W. 40 E22 39 Candlewood Fencing Center 1967 1522 12.1 23%
Pool L 0:5 KOVACS Wyatt 22 D23 33 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2188 1509 7.4 13%
Pool L 0:5 LI Aaron 18 D23 5 Marx Fencing Academy 2365 1502 4.7 8%
Pool L 3:5 BAI Brian 34 E23 46 Top Fencing Club 1565 1497 21.2 46%
T64 L 12:15 LEE Eugene 31 D22 10 Top Fencing Club 2047 1353 29.3 14%

Morris Cup Spring RYC/RJCC

Cadet Men's Foil (None, CDT), March 19, 2023
Place 41 of 50, Seed 40, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 LEE Brendan 7 D23 9 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2372 1620 7.3 11%
Pool L 3:5 HOLLIS Sean 23 E23 37 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia 1329 1613 37.8 68%
Pool L 0:5 AKYAMAC Bora 10 D22 13 Medeo Fencing Club 2131 1575 10.7 18%
Pool L 0:5 RADOSLAVOV Ivan-Asen 26 E22 3 Fencers Club Inc. 1929 1564 14.9 28%
Pool W 5:0 CHANG Ian 43 U 50 Top Fencing Club 539 1549 3.8 94%
T64 L 6:15 LEUNG Jin 18 E23 8 East Coast Fencing Club 1622 1425 72.1 39%

Morris Cup Spring RYC/RJCC

Junior Men's Foil (A2/B3, JNR), March 18, 2023
Place 66 of 74, Seed 76, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 HAN Changhee 52 E23 12 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2379 1629 8.5 12%
Pool L 2:5 LEE Eugene 37 D22 24 Top Fencing Club 1989 1620 17.5 27%
Pool L 2:5 LIGOS Alex M. 30 C22 44 Medeo Fencing Club 2258 1603 9.8 14%
Pool L 0:5 GUO Justin 15 B23 44 5T Fencers Club 2485 1593 5.5 7%
Pool W 5:2 WUN Jonathan 59 E21 69 Manhattan Fencing Center 1722 1587 33.8 41%
Pool L 1:5 TOLBA Abdelrahman 8 A22 2 V Fencing Club 3013 1621 1.1 1%
T128 L 13:15 CHENG Austyn 68 U 63 Mid-Island Fencing Academy / Future Stars Fencing & Sports Center 1482 1541 115.4 53%

Junior Olympics

Cadet Men's Foil (A4, CDT), February 19, 2023
Place 221 of 279, Seed 258, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 TAN Christien 72 88 C23 79 Fencing Institute Of Texas 2680 1629 4.4 4%
Pool L 3:5 LEVY Jacob 175 D23 159 AIC Fencing Club 2154 1625 15.2 20%
Pool L 0:5 FU Steven 154 C22 197 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy 2022 1610 18.4 25%
Pool L 3:5 RUBIN Max 234 E22 161 West Berkeley Fencing Club / Prime Fencing Academy 2026 1591 17.1 24%
Pool L 0:5 GODZHIK Zachary 11 11 A22 65 LA International Fencing 3045 1574 1.0 1%
Pool W 5:1 ZHAO Bowen 93 B23 221 The Fencers Academy 2068 1573 55.6 21%
T256 L 1:15 SISINNI Riccardo 58 70 B22 43 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 2876 1549 8.0 2%

Junior Olympic Foil Metro Division Qualifier

Cadet Men's Foil (E1, CDT), December 17, 2022
Place 3 of 10, Seed 5, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 VISHAWADIA Jaimin 9 U 1 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1442 1679 55.7 65%
Pool W 5:1 MENDEZ Ren 4 U 8 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1169 1624 20.0 76%
Pool W 5:2 SION Andrew 8 U 7 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1533 1644 33.5 57%
Pool L 2:5 SEIB-LEVINSON Conrad 1 E22 2 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1453 1677 48.0 64%
T8 W 15:3 HUNTER Phillip 6 U 5 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1551 1598 131.7 53%
T4 L 9:15 SEIB-LEVINSON Conrad 1 E22 2 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1316 1730 181.1 71%

Neil Lazar RYC/RJCC

Junior Men's Foil (A3, JNR), November 6, 2022
Place 67 of 78, Seed 70, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:0 GROTH Caleb 78 U 77 Silver City Fencing Club 931 1729 12.8 88%
Pool L 1:5 BELLUOMO David C. 28 B21 31 East Coast Fencing Club / Sacred Heart University NCAA 2855 1742 5.1 4%
Pool L 0:5 NICOLL James 46 D22 47 The Storm King School 1846 1737 40.4 43%
Pool L 1:5 LIN James G. 13 B22 42 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2699 1697 6.4 5%
Pool L 0:5 KAO Castor T. 1 25 A22 3 Star Fencing Academy 3369 1690 0.6 < 1%
Pool L 2:5 DAVIDSON Elliot 34 C22 33 Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club 2501 1690 10.4 10%
T128 L 13:14 DALBERG Anders 73 U 62 Mission Fencing Center 1756 1778 179.7 51%

Garden State Trick or Re-Treat RYC/RJC

Junior Men's Foil (B2, JNR), October 23, 2022
Place 41 of 49, Seed 40, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:3 GREENLEAF Paul 33 E22 43 Shoreline Fencers Club 1829 1882 64.8 53%
Pool L 3:5 LEE Charles T 46 U 34 East Coast Fencing Club 1709 1947 83.8 64%
Pool L 0:5 AUGUSTINE Aaron A. 3 B22 7 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2585 1863 17.6 13%
Pool L 3:5 KOVACS Wyatt 17 D22 23 Medeo Fencing Club 2158 1846 36.5 31%
Pool L 2:5 KLOTZ Isaiah 12 C22 1 Manhattan Fencing Center 2357 1809 22.8 19%
Pool L 1:5 GAO Payton 31 E22 12 V Fencing Club 1702 1786 57.0 55%
T64 L 3:15 SYOMICHEV Gleb A. 15 C22 27 Fairfield County Fencing Academy AKA Fairfield Fencing Academy 2371 1891 113.4 26%

2022 Winter Thrust RYC/RJCC

Y-14 Men's Foil (U, Y14), February 5, 2022
Place 31 of 54, Seed 24, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 AKYAMAC Bora 9 E21 23 Medeo Fencing Club 1842 2137 166.9 67%
Pool W 5:3 SURESH Rohan 39 U 50 International Fencing Club 1425 1970 46.8 79%
Pool L 3:5 BRENNEMAN Titus 25 U 25 Way Of The Sword.Org 1624 2017 138.0 72%
Pool W 5:2 WANG Auther 40 U 33 5T Fencers Club 2077 1879 105.1 38%
Pool L 1:5 SHAPIRO Leon 8 E21 14 Fencing Academy Of Westchester 1731 1984 101.4 65%
T64 W 15:9 SCHLACK Jake 12 E21 34 Candlewood Fencing Center 1296 1907 131.2 74%
T32 L 7:15 SEMAPAKDI-CHANG Kaiden 3 124 D21 6 Moe Fencing Club LLC / NEMA Fencing Center 2481 2038 146.3 28%

Manhattan Fencing Center Youth Foil Liberty Cup

Y-14 Mixed Foil (U, Y14), December 5, 2021
Place 1 of 21, Seed 11, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:0 BOURGUIGNAT James 17 U 14 South Brooklyn Fencing 1607 1881 112.2 64%
Pool W 5:0 HUBERT Ava Claire 3 E21 8 Manhattan Fencing Center
Pool W 5:2 LOPEZ Sebastian 6 U 19 Manhattan Fencing Center 1509 1993 68.3 70%
Pool W 5:0 BRENNEMAN Titus 19 U 11 Way Of The Sword 1644 2061 75.6 72%
T16 W 15:4 LOPEZ Seble 15 U 16 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
T8 W 15:3 CHAKRAPANI Ila 9 U 6 Manhattan Fencing Center
T4 W 15:4 BROOKS Matthew Sullivan 8 U 3 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club 1499 1635 271.4 56%
T2 W 15:10 JOO Natalie 2 E21 2 South Brooklyn Fencing

Thrust Winter RYC RJCC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), February 10, 2019
Place 43 of 56, Seed 47, Not ranked, Rating U, Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 ZHEN Ethan 12 110 U 18 Gold Fencing Club 2719 2500 450.9 42%
Pool L 2:5 ACHILOV Sayid 22 U 7 Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club 2389 2049 273.9 35%
Pool W 5:4 SHIN Jiho 30 U 54 Top Fencing Club 1346 1775 168.5 67%
Pool W 5:4 WANG Julang 53 U 48 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1641 1944 176.1 64%
Pool L 2:5 LI Eric 5 66 U 3 Olympia Fencing Center 2896 2120 73.0 15%
Pool L 1:5 MOON Joonhyoung 36 U 35 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2051 2047 166.2 50%
T64 L 4:15 LI Ayren 20 U 22 Olympia Fencing Center 1690 2500 864.9 78%