Strength Ranking

Men's Foil, Birth Year 2008

Rank Name Strength Conservative
Cons. Est.*
1 DeSeranno, Jeidus 3830 3550 35 A24
2 Yang, Luao 3582 3315 30 A24
3 Siu, Aiden 3491 3229 38 A25
4 Hooshi, Jayden 3367 3112 110 A25
5 Sisinni, Riccardo 3287 3033 79 A25
6 Deshmukh, Arjun 3236 2977 56 A25
7 TIYA, BIAYA 3209 2946 35 A24
8 Traugot, Owen 3194 2937 12 A25
9 Wong, Adrian 3213 2931 7 B24
10 Coelho, Cristiano 3159 2897 6 A24
11 Tang, Owen 3147 2891 58 A24
12 Lin, Michael 3125 2867 34 A24
13 Guerra, Gabriel 3115 2855 25 A24
14 Li, Matthew 3105 2850 189 A25
15 Canlas, Nathan 3099 2837 54 A25
16 Co, Dylan 3062 2806 108 A25
17 Min, Eric 2986 2731 82 B25
18 Chirashnya, Daniel 3060 2702 - U
19 Matsakh, Philip 2945 2693 139 A25
20 Lin, James 2920 2665 16 A24
21 Wei, Qiancheng (Matt) 2921 2575 35 A24
22 Wong, Garrick 2793 2536 117 B24
23 HYEONSEOK, JU 3465 2503 - E24
24 Dinsay, Kristjan 2718 2465 17 A25
25 Kang, Anthony 2736 2465 23 D21
26 Chen, Charlie Tian-You 2736 2462 55 B24
27 Tang, Albert 2711 2459 25 B24
28 Song, Noel 2685 2433 27 A24
29 LING, XIANGQIAN 2958 2415 69 B25
30 Lee, Jonah 2664 2411 89 B24
31 Liu, Jinning 2815 2391 111 B24
32 Wu, Alistair 2631 2380 193 A24
33 Xu, Xinhao ( Sonny) 2594 2328 5 B24
34 Shapiro, Leon 2579 2323 158 B24
35 Akyamac, Bora 2548 2295 69 B24
36 Huang, Eythan 2516 2263 23 B24
37 Wu, Trevor 2546 2257 82 B24
38 Kim, Brian 2509 2251 92 B24
39 Pons, Diego 2504 2241 46 C25
40 Lorenzo, Alejandro 2506 2236 55 A24
41 Tang, August 2459 2207 4 C24
42 Huang, Jonathan 2489 2207 33 B23
43 Chan, Ian 2523 2191 1 C24
44 Talasila, Arush 2434 2178 2 C24
45 Feng, Michael 2419 2165 75 B24
46 Edwards, Maxon 2422 2163 3 B24
47 Kettelle, John 2431 2159 11 C24
48 Li, Samuel 2408 2155 9 B24
49 Guo, Justin 2402 2150 50 B23
50 Zhen, Ethan 2400 2147 48 C23
51 Kapoor, Aayan 2410 2141 38 C24
52 Liu, Zixian (Aaron) 2397 2131 1 C24
53 Shao, Eric 2383 2128 3 B24
54 Kim, Aiden 2379 2119 7 C24
55 Kim, Harrison 2371 2113 106 B24
56 Stringer, David 2366 2110 16 C24
57 Pincheng, Yao 2351 2092 69 C24
58 Qiu, Zhaocheng 2372 2087 34 A24
59 Shehorn, Connor 2472 2085 58 D25
60 Wu, Lucas 2322 2070 54 B25
61 Semapakdi-Chang, Kaiden 2345 2068 2 D21
62 park, Ryan 2346 2066 - C23
63 Liu, William 2316 2065 112 C24
64 wong, Yuheng Isaac 2367 2047 91 B23
65 Xie, Buster 2326 2044 33 B24
66 Huth, Trevor 2360 2027 20 D24
67 VanOyen, Dominick 2268 2010 160 B24

* The ranking is determined by the conservative estimate of the strength, which reduces uncertainty about the ratings to about 1%. Only athletes with estimates over 2000 and whose ratings are reasonably certain are included on this list.