Strength Ranking

Men's Foil, Birth Year 2010

Rank Name Strength Conservative
Cons. Est.*
1 ZOU, TIANYI 4240 3319 - D24
2 Lin, Youlong 3208 2929 117 A25
3 yantong, chen 4012 2820 2820 U
4 Chen, Junlin 3291 2767 200 B24
5 Senic, Lucas 2984 2723 135 A25
6 Chen, Kyle 2741 2490 182 A25
7 Wu, Alber 2734 2482 38 A24
8 Ghedini, Luca 2717 2456 14 B25
9 Tan, Aidan 2701 2448 79 A24
10 Lu, Royce 2953 2443 98 A24
11 Guth, Joseph 2703 2442 26 A24
12 Parrish, Evan 2661 2408 81 A24
13 rautureau, Hugo 2663 2406 133 B25
14 Gulchin, Mark (Yerma) 2649 2395 93 A25
15 sheng, Dalton 2625 2374 153 B25
16 Chen, Matthew 2601 2347 211 A24
17 Tang, Alexander 2550 2299 105 B24
18 Lu, Kevin 2502 2246 1 B24
19 Zhou, Jingxiong 3331 2230 2230 E24
20 Elkousy, Zain al Din 2480 2222 84 B24
21 Vaden, Oliver 2470 2212 51 C24
22 Palma, Nathan Anthony 2464 2209 78 B25
23 Chuang, Oscar 2440 2188 151 B24
24 Zhao, Adam 2429 2176 2 B24
25 Griffith McAllister, Thomas 2408 2157 116 C25
26 Chen, Ethan 2400 2149 25 C24
27 Yoon, Junhyeok 2393 2130 34 B24
28 Zeng, Rick 2380 2129 60 B24
29 Zhang, Jacob 2366 2111 49 B24
30 Parker, Isaiah 2318 2058 114 B24
31 Li, Richard 2312 2057 56 C25
32 Chong, Tristan 2344 2052 181 B25
33 rautureau, Arthur 2310 2050 140 B24
34 Lu, Hongyu 2855 2035 435 U
35 Zhou, Ryan 2279 2022 175 B25
36 Tan, Xinlai 2306 2016 63 C24

* The ranking is determined by the conservative estimate of the strength, which reduces uncertainty about the ratings to about 1%. Only athletes with estimates over 2000 and whose ratings are reasonably certain are included on this list.