Strength Ranking

Men's Foil, Birth Year 2005

Rank Name Strength Conservative
Cons. Est.*
1 Chen, Andrew 3561 3290 27 A25
2 Chen, Allen 3470 3200 20 A25
3 Kim, Nicholas 3425 3162 18 A24
4 Um, Ethan 3398 3135 125 A24
5 Burke, Spencer 3293 3020 29 A24
6 Singh, Dayaal 3228 2965 7 A22
7 Wong, Adam 3194 2932 120 A21
8 Joseph, Dominic (Dom) 3180 2923 5 A22
9 Huth, Mitchell 3181 2912 111 A25
10 Onik, Elijah 3171 2910 41 A24
11 Kwon, Ethan 3149 2885 16 A22
12 Hooshi, Dylan 3108 2847 - A21
13 Song, Leonardo 3055 2799 - A22
14 Fogelson, Frederick 3027 2770 98 A23
15 Muruhin, Yaroslav 2982 2734 34 A21
16 Dierks, Kian 2979 2720 46 A23
17 Wu, Nicholas 2970 2716 37 A23
18 Costello, Chaissen 2971 2708 5 A24
19 Bae, Kevin 2959 2704 9 A23
20 Li, Raphael 2956 2697 67 A24
21 Nager, Noah 2927 2674 31 A22
22 Vazquez, Zander 2914 2660 26 A22
23 Oh, Jonathan 2909 2651 - C21
24 Freedman, Samuel 2873 2618 84 A21
25 DeGroot, Blake 2868 2614 41 A23
26 Iyoki, Kent 3091 2613 - D22
27 SICHITIU, Alexander 2870 2606 4 A22
28 Lindner, Ruben 3135 2582 - A22
29 Sung, Chang-Han 2780 2524 - B22
30 Bagdány, Albert 3418 2508 - A24
31 Nunnink, Phillip 2720 2455 10 A24
32 Chen, Boris 2861 2430 8 B22
33 Gatza, Logan 2650 2400 15 B21
34 Vargas, Bryan 2676 2354 - A24
35 Fortune, Alexander 2612 2348 69 B23
36 Hobson, Aaron 2586 2335 11 B23
37 Miller, Aidan 2537 2274 - B24
38 Lovin, Vlad 2517 2260 88 B23
39 Davidson, Elliot 2480 2224 - C24
40 Williams, Connor 2465 2212 39 B23
41 Emenheiser, Conrad 2474 2207 87 C24
42 Bálint, Álmos 2997 2180 - A24
43 SHEN, Zhanyu 3562 2167 2167 E24
44 Finley, Dylan 2424 2166 65 C24
45 Seal, Maximus 2358 2103 - B24
46 Ligos, Alex 2351 2099 15 B23
47 Mo, Jason 2331 2067 86 C25
48 Anderson, Jacob 2312 2058 - C24
49 WU, DING-JUN 2351 2033 47 B24

* The ranking is determined by the conservative estimate of the strength, which reduces uncertainty about the ratings to about 1%. Only athletes with estimates over 2000 and whose ratings are reasonably certain are included on this list.