Largest Clubs

Data is updated daily. Click on column headers to sort the list differenly.

Rank Name Abbreviation Competitive Non-competitive Total
1 Prime Fencing Academy PRIMEFA 81 297 378
2 Apex Fencing Academy APEXFENCING 89 242 331
3 Olympia Fencing Center OLYMPIAFC 117 175 292
4 Nova Fencing Club NOVAFC 107 146 253
5 Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) AFM 247 121 368
6 Vivo Fencing Club VIVOFENCING 79 108 187
7 Salle Auriol Seattle SAS 174 106 280
8 Richmond Fencing Club RICHMONDFC 59 101 160
9 Fencing Club Of Mercer County FCMERCERCNTY 20 94 114
10 Plymouth/Ann Arbor Fencing Academy PAAFA 121 93 214
11 Alliance Fencing Academy ALLIANCEFA 209 88 297
12 Chesapeake Fencing Club CHESAPEAKEFC 16 87 103
13 Front Range Fencing Club FRONTRANGEFC 26 87 113
14 Vermont Fencing Alliance VERMONTFA 15 86 101
15 Bay Area Fencing Club BAFC 108 86 194
16 Sheridan Fencing Academy SHERIDANFA 48 83 131
17 Five Points Fencing Academy FPFA 18 80 98
18 Halberstadt Fencers' Club HALBERSTADT 95 79 174
19 Tidewater Fencing Club TIDEWATERFC 20 76 96
20 Cape Fear Fencing Association CAPEFEAR 22 75 97
21 Rain City Fencing Center RAINCITYFC 172 75 247
22 South Denver Fencing Academy SDENVERFA 64 73 137
23 Worcester Fencing Club WORCESTERFC 29 69 98
24 Marx Fencing Academy MARXFENCING 83 69 152
25 Manchen Academy Of Fencing MANCHENAOF 52 69 121
26 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia - University City FAOP 132 67 199
27 San Francisco Fencers Club SFFC 10 66 76
28 Zeta Fencing ZETAFENCING 75 63 138
29 Capital Fencing Academy CAPITALFA 98 61 159
30 Heartland Fencing Academy HEARTLANDFA 33 61 94
31 DC Fencers Club DCFENCERS 132 60 192
32 Sebastiani Fencing Academy SEBASTIANIFA 25 60 85
33 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. FSA INC 102 59 161
34 Sword In The Scroll Fencing Academy SWORDNSCROLL 33 59 92
35 Blue Ridge Fencing Center BLUERIDGEFC 19 58 77
36 PDX Fencing PDXFENCING 90 58 148
37 Fencers Club Inc. FENCERSCLUB 216 57 273
38 Long Island Fencers Club LIFC 30 57 87
39 Des Moines Fencing Club DESMOINESFC 20 56 76
40 Fence St. Louis FSL 16 56 72
41 Texas Fencing Academy TEXASFENCING 67 55 122
42 Davis Fencing Academy of Miami DFAM 11 54 65
43 Wasatch Fencing WASATCH 28 53 81
44 Omaha Fencing Club OMAHAFC 14 52 66
45 Lancaster Fencing Academy LFA 18 49 67
46 Georgia Tech University Yellow Jacket Fencing Club GTU/YJFC 5 47 52
47 North Florida Fencing Club NFFC 24 47 71
48 Northwest Fencing Center NWFC 117 45 162
49 American Fencing Academy Of Dayton AFAD 13 45 58
50 Southwest Florida Fencing Academy SWFLFENCING 21 45 66
51 East Bay Fencers Gym EBFG 74 44 118
52 Foothills Fencing Academy FOOTHILLSFA 32 42 74
53 PISTE Fencing Academy PISTE 25 42 67
54 Salisbury Fencing Club SALISBURYFC 5 41 46
55 Portland Fencing Center PORTLANDFC 31 40 71
56 Capital District Fencing School CDFS 11 40 51
57 Riverside Fencing Club RVRSIDEFCLB 13 40 53
58 Bozeman Fencing Association, LLC BOZEMANFA 15 40 55
59 Illinois Fencing Academy IFA 27 40 67
60 Olympian Fencing Club OLYMPIANFC 68 39 107
61 Columbus Fencing And Fitness LLC CFAFLLC 70 39 109
62 Pittsburgh Fencers Club PITTSBURGHFC 30 39 69
63 Chevy Chase Fencing Club CHEVYCHASEFC 19 38 57
64 Kansas City Fencing Center KCFENCECTR 22 38 60
65 Escrimeur Fencers Club ESCRIMEURFC 25 38 63
66 Triple Threat Fencing Academy TTFA 53 38 91
67 All-American Fencing Academy AAFA 13 37 50
68 Bay Regional Fencing Alliance BRFA 11 37 48
69 High Plains Fencing Guild HPFG 14 37 51
70 Kaizen Academy LLC KAIZEN 53 37 90
71 Charlotte Fencing Academy CHARLOTTEFA 33 36 69
72 Salt City Swords Fencing Club SCSWORDS 5 36 41
73 Fencing Academy Of Philadelphia - North FAOP-NORTH 47 36 83
74 Still Point Fencing SPF 25 36 61
75 College of William & Mary Fencing Club WILL&MARYFC 22 35 57
76 George Mason University Fencing Club GMUFC 1 35 36
77 Kern Athletic Fencing Foundation KAFF 13 34 47
78 Honor Guards Fencing Club HONORGUARDS 8 34 42
79 Freehold Fencing Academy FREEHOLDFA 51 34 85
80 Star Fencing Academy SFA 143 34 177
81 Spokane Fencers Unlimited SFU 16 33 49
82 Seacoast Fencing Club SFC 30 33 63
83 Golubitsky Fencing Center GOLUBITSKYFC 66 33 99
84 Tiger Fencing Club TIGERFC 22 33 55
85 Buccaneer Blades Fencing BBF 24 33 57
86 Amity Fencing Club AFC 5 33 38
87 EWA Fencing LLC EWAFENCING 23 32 55
88 Shoreline Fencers Club SFC 54 32 86
89 Manhattan Fencing Center MANHATTANFC 251 32 283
90 Boston Fencing Club BOSTONFC 100 31 131
91 RedStar Fencing Club Chicago REDSTARCHICG 60 31 91
92 Modern Duelists Fencing Academy MODUEL 27 30 57
93 Fencing Institute Of Texas FIT 64 30 94
94 Twin Cities Fencing Club TWINCI 61 29 90
95 Washington Fencing Academy WFA 20 29 49
96 Clemson University Fencing Club CLEMSONUFC 8 29 37
97 Houston Sword Sports HOUSTONSWORD 39 29 68
98 Phoenix Fencing Academy PHX 51 29 80
99 Midcoast Fencing Athletic Club MFAC 4 29 33
100 Columbia Fencers' Club COLUMBIAFC 10 28 38
101 Medeo Fencing Club MEDEOFC 153 28 181
102 Indianapolis Fencing Club INFENCING 36 28 64
103 University Of Tennessee Knoxville Fencing Club UT-KNOX 4 28 32
104 Globus Fencing Academy GFA 124 28 152
105 Rogue Fencers Guild RFG 5 28 33
106 Fencing Academy of Philadelphia - Main Line FAOP MAIN LINE 9 28 37
107 Olympic Fencers Club OLYMPICFC 85 27 112
108 Beverly Hills Fencers' Club BHFC 59 27 86
109 Lincoln Fencing Club LINCOLNFC 30 27 57
110 Milford Fencing Club MILFORDFC 8 27 35
111 Anchorage Fencing Club AFC 4 27 31
112 Lionheart Fencing Academy/Coeur Du Lion Fencing Cl LFA/CDULION 29 27 56
113 Austin Fencers Club AUSTINFC 52 27 79
114 NMFC/Duke City Fencing NMFC/DUKECTY 29 27 56
115 Moe Fencing Club LLC MOEFENCING 58 27 85
116 Iowa City Fencing Center IACITYFC 29 27 56
117 5T Fencers Club 5TFC 46 27 73
118 Rockland Fencers Club ROCKLANDFC 40 27 67
119 South Bay Fencing Academy SBFA 58 27 85
120 Davis Fencing Academy DAVISFA 38 26 64
121 Infinity Fencing Alliance INFINITYFA 23 26 49
122 Ataba Fencing Club ATABAFC 34 26 60
123 Denver Fencing Center DENVERFC 95 26 121
124 Spartan Fencing Academy SFA 4 26 30
125 San Luis Highlanders Fencing Club SANLUISHFC 10 26 36
126 Boise Fencing Club BOISEFC 28 26 54
127 Enfield Fencing Club EFC 14 26 40
128 Nashville Academy of Fencing NAF 16 26 42
129 Virginia Tech Fencing Club VTFC 10 25 35
130 Bucks County Academy Of Fencing BCAF 23 25 48
131 Southwest Fencing Club SWFENCING 13 25 38
132 Northwest Indiana Fencing Club NWINFC 23 25 48
133 Cabrillo Academy Of The Sword LLC CABRILLO 19 25 44
134 Bay Area Fencing Club Pleasanton BAFCP 7 25 32
135 Fargo-Moorhead Fencing Club FMFC 11 24 35
136 United Fencing Academy UFA 31 24 55
137 Forte Fencing Club FORTEFENCINGCLUB 3 24 27
138 Augusta Fencers Club AUGUSTAFC 18 23 41
139 University Of Michigan Fencing Club UNIVMIFC 8 23 31
140 Valhalla Fencing VALHALLA 10 23 33
141 Premier Fencing Alliance PREMFENCALL 32 23 55
142 Long Island Fencing Center LIFC 43 23 66
143 Nashville Elite Fencing Club NEFC 29 23 52
144 University of Alabama UOA 3 23 26
145 Saratoga Fencing Club SARATOGA 5 23 28
146 Purdue Fencing Club-Purdue Univ. PURDUEUFC 27 22 49
147 Marin Fencing Academy LLC MARINFENCING 29 22 51
148 Brooklyn Fencing Center BROOKLYNFC 31 22 53
149 Hills Fencing Institute H3 36 22 58
150 Spindletop Cavaliers SPNDLTP 2 21 23
151 The Fencing Center TFC 66 21 87
152 Spartak SPARTAK 93 21 114
153 Metro Tacoma Fencing Club MTFC 44 21 65
154 University of Rochester Fencing Club UNIVROCHESTR 4 21 25
155 Drexel University Fencing Club DREXELUFC 1 21 22
156 Carlisle Fencing Club CARLISLEFC 9 21 30
157 Center for Blade Arts BLADEARTS 49 21 70
158 United States Military Academy Fencing Club USMAFC 10 21 31
159 German Fencing Academy GFA 25 21 46
160 Candlewood Fencing Center CANDLEWOODFC 54 20 74
161 Blackstone Valley Fencing Academy BVFA 9 20 29
162 New Jersey Fencing Alliance NJFENCINGALL 58 20 78
163 Edge of America Fencing EDGEAMERICA 32 20 52
164 Sheridan Fencing Academy of Forest Hills SHERIDANFRHL 2 20 22
165 Valkyrie Fencing Club VFC 21 20 41
166 Phoenix Falcons Fencing Club PHXFALCONSFC 32 19 51
167 New York Fencing Academy NYFA 137 19 156
168 City of Thunder FC OKCFC 36 19 55
169 Brazosport Fencing BRAZOSPORT 8 19 27
170 University of Maryland Baltimore County UMBCFC 2 19 21
171 San Diego Fencing Center SANDIEGOFC 84 19 103
172 Michigan State University Fencing Club MSUFENCING 20 19 39
173 Central Arkansas Fencing Club CTRL. AR F.C. 8 19 27
174 Athens Fencing Club ATHENSFC 18 19 37
175 Sigma Fencing Academy SFA 27 19 46
176 US Sabre Academy USSA 16 19 35
177 Fencing Academy of Philadelphia - West Chester FAOP WEST CHESTER 9 19 28
178 Tulsa Fencing Club TULSAFC 9 18 27
179 Olde Town Fencing Club OLDETOWNFC 12 18 30
180 Stoccata Fencing Academy & Club STOCCATAFAC 55 18 73
181 Wallingford-Swarthmore Panthers PANTHERS 19 18 37
182 Black Hills Fencing Club BLACKHILLSFC 1 18 19
183 Nazlymov Fencing Foundation NAZLYMOVFF 81 18 99
184 Savage Fencing Club SFC 52 18 70
185 Scarsdale Fencing Center SFC 57 18 75
186 Fencing Center Of Chicago FCCHICAGO 48 17 65
187 Napa Valley Fencing Academy NAPAVLYFA 13 17 30
188 Integrity Fencing Studio INTEGRITY 36 17 53
189 Bryn Mawr College Fencing Club BRYNMAWRFC 4 17 21
190 Thames River Fencing Club TRFC 27 17 44
191 Renaissance Fencing Club RENAISSANCE 136 17 153
192 New Orleans Fencers Club NOFC 28 17 45
193 South Coast Fencing Center SOUTHCOASTFC 35 17 52
194 Target Fencing Center TFC 8 17 25
195 Greensboro Fencing Academy GFA 27 17 44
196 International Fencing Club INTLFENCECLB 58 16 74
197 Huntsville Fencing Club HUNTSVILLEFC 12 16 28
198 High Desert Fencing Club HIGHDESERTFC 11 16 27
199 Birmingham Fencing Club BIRMINGHAMFC 41 16 57
200 Hooked On Fencing HOF 31 16 47
201 Salle De Long Fencers SALLEDELONG 31 16 47
202 The Phoenix Center PHXCENTER 35 16 51
203 Miami University Fencing Ohio MIAMIUN 0 16 16
204 Team Touche Fencing Center TEAMTOUCHEFC 74 16 90
205 Winter Garden Fencing Academy WINTERGARDEN 15 16 31
206 Memphis University School Fencing Team MUSFT 18 16 34
207 Xavier University Fencing Club XFC 3 16 19
208 University Of Calif/Santa Barbara (UCSB) UCSB 7 16 23
209 Points West Fencing Club POINTSWESTFC 7 16 23
210 Sheridan Fencing Academy of Westchester SHERIDANWSTC 2 16 18
211 Alle Fencing Club ALLEFENCING 30 16 46
212 Ludus Fencing Studio LUDUS 13 16 29
213 Fishkill Fencing Club FFC 4 16 20
214 Cleveland Fencing Academy East LLC CFAE 39 16 55
215 Dragon Heart Fencing DHF 27 16 43
216 Journeys Fencing Club JFC 4 16 20
217 Oregon Fencing Alliance OREGONFA 59 15 74
218 University of Maryland Terrapin Fencing MD-TERRAPIN 6 15 21
219 Four Corners Fencing Club FCFC 7 15 22
220 United Fencers of Oakland UFOFOAKLAND 15 15 30
221 On Point Fencing Club ONPOINTFC 7 15 22
222 Queens Fencing Club LLC QFC 14 15 29
223 University of Alabama in Huntsville Fencing Club UAHFC 4 15 19
224 Eugene Fencers Club EUGENEFC 4 14 18
225 Lilov Fencing Academy LILOVFA 43 14 57
226 Cardinal Fencing Academy CARDINALFA 42 14 56
227 Texas A&M University Fencing TAMU 2 14 16
228 Eastern Kentucky University Fencing Club EKUFC 4 14 18
229 The Point Fencing Club & School POINTFC&SCHL 19 14 33
230 Berks Fencing Club BERKSFC 4 14 18
231 Presidio Fencing Club PRESIDIOFC 12 14 26
232 Rogue Fencing Academy RFA 66 14 80
233 LEO Fencing Club LEO 37 14 51
234 Cache Valley Fencing Academy CVFA 1 14 15
235 Epee Miami Fencing Club EPEEMIAMIFC 30 13 43
236 Salle Couturier SALLECOUT 6 13 19
237 Cumberland D'Escrime CUMBERLAND 1 13 14
238 Mission Fencing Center MISSIONFC 44 13 57
239 New Mexico Fencing Foundation NMFENCING 16 13 29
240 Royal Arts Fencing Academy ROYALARTSFA 24 13 37
241 LA International Fencing LAIFC 210 13 223
242 Barrington Fencing Club BARRINGTONFC 2 13 15
243 Orion Fencing ORIONFENCING 22 13 35
244 Camas Fencing Academy CAMAS 10 13 23
245 University of California Davis UC DAVIS 1 13 14
246 Abilene Sport Fencing ASF 4 13 17
247 Atlanta Fencers Club Foundation Inc. AFCFI 19 13 32
248 Suncoast Fencing Club SUNCOAST 2 13 15
249 Forge Fencing Teams DUR FORGE 83 13 96
250 Rochester Fencing Club ROCHESTERFC 66 12 78
251 Masters Fencing Academy NJ MASTERSFA-NJ 37 12 49
252 Miami Fencing Club MIAMIFENCING 17 12 29
253 Brooklyn Bridge Fencing Club BBFC 60 12 72
254 Louisville Fencing Center, Inc. LOUISVILLEFC 42 12 54
255 Caliburn Fencing Club CALIBURNFC 4 12 16
256 Space City Fencing Academy SCFA 86 12 98
257 Atlantic Fencing Academy ATLANTICFA 19 12 31
258 Encinitas Fencing Academy ENCINITASFA 14 12 26
259 Indiana University of PA (IUP) Fencing Club IUP 2 12 14
260 Torrance Fencing Club TORRANCEFC 8 12 20
261 Hawaii Island Fencing Assoc. HAWAIIISLAND 5 12 17
262 Fencing Club at Auburn University FCAU 9 12 21
263 Escrime Du Lac ESDULAC 43 11 54
264 Fencing Academy Of Boston FAOBOSTON 20 11 31
265 University of South Florida Fencing Club UNIVSFLORIDA 9 11 20
266 Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club RIFAC 71 11 82
267 Rochester Institute of Technology Fencing Club RIT 8 11 19
268 Nevada County Fencing Club NVCNTYFC 2 11 13
269 Bloomington Fencing Club BLOOMNGTONFC 7 11 18
270 James Madison University Fencing Club JAMESMADUFC 3 11 14
271 Invicta Sports INVICTASPORT 11 11 22
272 Woodlands International Fencing Club WIFC 40 11 51
273 Parkland HS JROTC Fencing Matadors HSJROTC 2 11 13
274 Cavalier Fencing Club CFC 70 11 81
275 Upper Arlington High School Fencing Club UAHSFENCINGCLUB 0 11 11
276 FitFence Club FFC 6 11 17
277 Round Rock Fencing Club, LLC RRFC 35 10 45
278 Fairfax Fencers LLC FAIRFAXFENC 6 10 16
279 NEMA Fencing Center NEMA 18 10 28
280 VANDERWEGE Academie D'Armes VANDERWEGE 5 10 15
281 College Of Charleston C OF C FC 0 10 10
282 Salle New Bern SALLENEWBERN 11 10 21
283 Ligonier Fencing Club LIGONIERFC 9 10 19
284 Pioneer Valley Fencing Academy PVFA 17 10 27
285 Battle Born Fencing Club BATTLEBORNFC 74 10 84
286 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy GUTKOVSKIYFA 78 10 88
287 Avant Garde Fencers Club, Inc (CA) (AGFC) AGFC (CA) 67 10 77
288 The Fencing Knights at University Central Florida FENCING KNIGHTS OF CN FL 1 10 11
289 Research Triangle Fencing RESEARCHTRI 34 10 44
290 Penta Olympic Fencing Club PENTAOLYFC 70 10 80
291 Arena Fencing Academy LLC AFA LLC 62 10 72
292 Bronzeville Fencing Academy BRONZEVILLE 30 10 40
293 Williamson County Fencing Club WCFC 21 10 31
294 Fazekas Fencing Academy FFA 9 10 19
295 Maximum Fencing Club MFC 158 10 168
296 Go Fence Academy GFA 11 10 21
297 Hub City Fencing Academy HUBCITYFA 16 9 25
298 NKY Fencing Academy (NKFA) NKFA 5 9 14
299 Zeljkovic Fencing Academy ZFA 35 9 44
300 Down East School of Fencing DOWNEASTSCHL 12 9 21
301 RPI College Fencing Club RPICLGRFC 20 9 29
302 Tampa Bay Fencers Inc. TBFENINC 5 9 14
303 Masters Fencing Club MASTERSFC 50 9 59
304 Upper Valley Fencing Club UPPERVLYFC 3 9 12
305 Fort Bend Fencing Academy FTBENDFA 9 9 18
306 Hangtown Saber Club HANGTWNSABER 15 9 24
307 Arizona State University Fencing Club ASU 5 9 14
308 V Fencing Club VFENCING 40 9 49
309 Roaring Fork Fencers Club ROARINGFORK 12 9 21
310 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) TIMMOREHOUSE 92 9 101
311 Aquinas Academy Fencing Club AAFC 4 9 13
312 Orlando Fencing Sports Center LLC OFSC 24 9 33
313 Socorro High School Bulldog Fencing Team SHSBFT 1 9 10
314 Westchester Fencers Club WESTCHESTER 5 8 13
315 Peter Westbrook Foundation PWESTBROOK 58 8 66
316 Penn State University Fencing Club PENNSTATEUFC 5 8 13
317 Traverse City Fencing Club TCFC 20 8 28
318 Kenai Peninsula Fencing Club KENAI PEN. 3 8 11
319 Bayou City Fencing Academy BAYOUCITYFA 15 8 23
320 Les Amis Fencing Club LESAMISFC 4 8 12
321 Fencing Academy Of Westchester FAW 62 8 70
322 Windy City Fencing-Chicago WNDYCTYCHICG 96 8 104
323 Madison Fencing Academy MADISONFA 22 8 30
324 Fioretto Fencing Academy FIORETTOFA 16 8 24
325 Grand Junction Sport Fencing GJSF 0 8 8
326 Peoria Fencing Academy PEORIAFA 22 8 30
327 Gryphon Fencing GRYPHONFENC 18 8 26
328 Marist Fencing Club MFC 6 8 14
329 Iowa State University Fencing Club IASTATEUFC 2 8 10
330 Durkan Fencing Academy DURKANFA 43 8 51
331 Hudson Centers For The Martial Arts HCMA 2 8 10
332 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club TIMMOREHOUSE 159 8 167
333 Wanglei International Fencing Club WANGLEIINTL 62 8 70
334 Yang Fencing Club YANGFENCING 54 8 62
335 Youth Enrichment League Fencing Club YELFC 48 8 56
336 Pegasus Sword Academy Inc. PSA 46 8 54
337 Salle des Lutins SDL 12 8 20
338 Fates Fencing Academy FFA 11 8 19
339 Lone Star Fencing Center LONESTARFC 39 7 46
340 Silverlake Fencing SILVERLAKE 3 7 10
341 Ann Arbor Dueling Society AADS 7 7 14
342 North Shore Fencers Club NORTHSHOREFC 73 7 80
343 University of Virginia Fencing Club UNIVVAFC 5 7 12
344 Cobra Fencing Club LLC COBRAFC 73 7 80
345 Salle Green Fencing School SGFS 16 7 23
346 Cape Cod Fencers CAPECOD 2 7 9
347 Rocky Mountain Fencing Academy RMFA 15 7 22
348 Tulsa Fencing Alliance TULSAFENCING 2 7 9
349 San Francisco Sabre School SFSS 11 7 18
350 AIC Fencing Club AIC 73 7 80
351 Worldwide Fencing Academy WFA 21 7 28
352 Elite Fencers Club ELITE FC 36 7 43
353 East Coast Fencing Club ECFC 42 7 49
354 OnTarget Fencing Club OTFC 63 7 70
355 Southern California Fencing Academy (SOCALFA) SCFA 80 7 87
356 Future Stars Fencing FSFC 29 7 36
357 Plateau Fencing of Enumclaw PLATEAUFE 6 7 13
358 Northern Colorado Fencers NCOFENCERS 33 6 39
359 Illinois Fencers Club ILLINOISFC 9 6 15
360 Tanner City Fencers Club TANNERCITYFC 12 6 18
361 Swordplay LA SWPLYLA 31 6 37
362 Caddo Magnet Fencing Club CADDOMAGNET 16 6 22
363 High Desert Fencing Alliance HIGHDESERTFA 6 6 12
364 Ohio University Fencing Club OHIOUNIVFC 3 6 9
365 Back Alley Fencing, Inc. BACK ALLEY 8 6 14
366 Way Of The Sword.Org WAYOFTHESWORD 30 6 36
367 Advance Fencing And Fitness Academy AFFA 75 6 81
368 Dynamo Fencing Center Inc. DYNAMOFC 160 6 166
369 Salle D'Escrime Of Prescott SDESCRIMPRES 2 6 8
370 Massialas Foundation (M Team) M TEAM 98 6 104
371 Martha's Vineyard Fencing Club MARTHAVNYARD 1 6 7
372 Galveston Fencing Club GALVESTONFC 3 6 9
373 Bluegrass Fencers' Club BLUEGRASSFC 55 6 61
374 Profencing PROFENCING 8 6 14
375 Fencing Academy Of Denver FAODENVER 85 6 91
376 Wadsworth Fencing Club WADSWORTHFC 2 6 8
377 Fencing Club Asheville FCASHEVILLE 9 6 15
378 Miracle Fencing Club MIRACLEFC 38 6 44
379 Elite Fencing Academy (GA) EFA 71 6 77
380 Elite International Fencers Club EIFC 18 6 24
381 International Academy for Fencing Education IAFE 4 6 10
382 Columbus International Fencing Academy CIFA 22 6 28
383 Western Reserve Academy WRA 12 6 18
384 Manhattan Fencing of Englewood MFOE 7 6 13
385 Nittany Fencing Academy NFA 13 6 19
386 Bucks County Academy Of Fencing - West BCAFWEST 33 5 38
387 Fayetteville Fencing Club FAYETTEVILLE 4 5 9
388 Nellya Fencers NELLYA 89 5 94
389 Rockford Fencing Club ROCK FC 3 5 8
390 Parkway Fencing Club PARKWAYFC 13 5 18
391 The Fencing Club Of The University Of Idaho UNIVOFIDAHO 5 5 10
392 West Michigan Fencing Academy WESTMIFA 28 5 33
393 Fortune Fencing FORTUNE 55 5 60
394 Cardinal Fencing Club CARDINALFC 54 5 59
395 Oxford Fencers Club OXFORDFC 2 5 7
396 Stoughton Fencing Club STOUGHTONFC 2 5 7
397 York Fencing Club YORKFENCING 3 5 8
398 University of Wisconsin-Madison UNIVWIMADISN 8 5 13
399 Premier Fencing Academy PREMIERFA 70 5 75
400 Morris Fencing Club MFC 12 5 17
401 Blue Water Fencing Club BLUEWATERFC 2 5 7
402 Laguna Fencing Center LAGUNAFC 65 5 70
403 University Of California San Diego NCAA UC-SANDIEGO 38 5 43
404 Twin Tiers Fencing Club TWINTIERSFC 8 5 13
405 South Brooklyn Fencing SOUTH BROOKLYN 17 5 22
406 Elite Fencing Club EFC 61 5 66
407 Paladin Fencing PALADIN 0 5 5
408 Bridgeport Fencers Club BFC 4 5 9
409 ASER International Fencing Academy AIFA 36 5 41
410 South YEL Fencing Alliance SYFA 15 5 20
411 Windy Hill Fencing Center LLC WHFC 2 5 7
412 Saint Louis Fencing Club SLFC 8 5 13
413 Vera Fencing Academy VFA 0 5 5
414 SoCAL Fencing Center SOCALFC 79 5 84
415 Miami Fencing Academy MFA 15 5 20
416 San Francisco Fencing Academy SFFA 7 5 12
417 University Of Florida Fencing Club UFFC 38 4 42
418 Orlando Fencing Club ORLANDOFC 6 4 10
419 Mt. Airy Fencers Club MTAIRYFC 8 4 12
420 Fairfield County Fencing Academy AKA Fairfield Fencing Academy FCFA/FFA 24 4 28
421 Wildcat Fencing-University of Arizona WILDCATUOFAZ 4 4 8
422 American Institute Of Fencing AIFENCING 18 4 22
423 Mile High Fencing Club MILEHIGHFC 3 4 7
424 lowcountry fencers L F 4 4 8
425 University Of New Hampshire UNH 1 4 5
426 Sioux City Fencing Club SIOUXCITYFC 2 4 6
427 Florida Fencing Academy FLORIDAFA 10 4 14
428 Smokey Mountain Fencing SMF 11 4 15
429 Upper St. Clair Fencing Club USCFC 2 4 6
430 Pocatello Fencing Club POCATELLOFC 4 4 8
431 Grand Rapids Fencing Academy GRAPIDSFA 56 4 60
432 Desert Fencing Academy DESERTFA 6 4 10
433 Dublin Fencing Club DUBLIN FC 2 4 6
434 Fencing Club At NC State NCSTATEFC 7 4 11
435 Ocean State Fencing Club OCEANSTATEFC 14 4 18
436 The Fencers Academy FENCERSACDMY 38 4 42
437 Texas State University Fencing Club TXSTATEUNIV 7 4 11
438 Emory University Fencing Club EMORYUFC 1 4 5
439 Kennesaw State University KENNESAWSTU 3 4 7
440 Elite Fencing Academy (VA) EFA 62 4 66
441 Lang Fencing Academy LFA 10 4 14
442 Invictus Fencing INVICTUSFENCING 20 4 24
443 Scout Fencing Club SFC 10 4 14
444 Sarasota Fencing Academy SRQFA 3 4 7
445 Virginia Apex Fencing Club VAFC 34 4 38
446 University Of Colorado Boulder Club CUBOULDER 18 3 21
447 Long Island Swordsmen LISWORDSMEN 1 3 4
448 Bowling Green Fencing Academy BGFA 0 3 3
449 Delta H Fencers DELTA H 3 3 6
450 Conejo Fencing Club CONEJOFC 4 3 7
451 Hillside Cavaliers Fencing Club HCAVFC 1 3 4
452 South Florida Fencing Club SFLORIDAFC 24 3 27
453 University of Georgia Fencing Club UGAFENCING 13 3 16
454 Cyranos Place CYRANOSPLC 42 3 45
455 UMass Fencing Club UMASSFC 1 3 4
456 University of North Carolina Charlotte Fencing Club FCAU 1 3 4
457 Alamo Fencing Academy ALAMOFA 18 3 21
458 Fairfield Avenue School of Fencing FAIRFIELDSCH 12 3 15
459 Dunwoody Fencing Club DUNWOODYFC 24 3 27
460 Bowdoin College BOWDOIN 1 3 4
461 Fencing Illini, University of Illinois UNIVIL 5 3 8
462 Worcester Polytechnic Inst WPI 6 3 9
463 Cortines HS of VAPA CHSOFVAPA 0 3 3
464 Sheboygan Fencing Club SHEBOYGANFC 6 3 9
465 The Ohio State University Fencing Club OSUFENCING 9 3 12
466 West Coast Fencing Academy WESTCOASTFA 71 3 74
467 The Storm King School TSKS 9 3 12
468 Frisco Fencing Academy FFA 22 3 25
469 TeamK Fencing TEAMK 44 3 47
470 University of Cincinnati Fencing Club UCF 2 3 5
471 Skyward Fencing SKYWARD 6 3 9
472 Elite Zone Fencing Academy EZFA 2 3 5
473 University Of Texas Fencing Club at Austin UNIVTXFC@AUSTIN 5 2 7
474 Tri-Weapon Fencing Club TRIWEAPONFC 2 2 4
475 Salle Palasz SALLEPALASZ 5 2 7
476 Florida State University Fencing Club FLSTATEUFC 29 2 31
477 New York Athletic Club NYAC 65 2 67
478 Delta Fencing Center DELTA 8 2 10
479 National Capital Fencers Club NATCAPITALFC 5 2 7
480 West Berkeley Fencing Club WBERKELEYFC 36 2 38
481 Red Door Fencing RDF 11 2 13
482 Academies Of Fencing In Baltimore AOFIB 9 2 11
483 Great Lakes Sword Club GLAKESSWORD 3 2 5
484 Chicago Fencing Club CHICAGOFC 2 2 4
485 Bethel Park Fencing Club BETHELPARKFC 2 2 4
486 Swords Fencing Studio SWORDSFS 69 2 71
487 University of Southern California Trojan Fencing Club USCAFENCING 2 2 4
488 Golden Gate Fencing Center GGFC 2 2 4
489 Lotus Fencing Academy LFA 24 2 26
490 Washington University. St. Louis WA-STLOUIS 6 2 8
491 Five Rings Fencing Club 5RINGSFC 7 2 9
492 Gold Blade Fencing Center GOLDBLADEFC 23 2 25
493 George Washington University Fencing Club GWUFC 2 2 4
494 Fencing Sports Club (Vladimir & Tracy Lapshin FSPORTSCLUB 2 2 4
495 Bergen Fencing Club BERGENFC 25 2 27
496 IndySabre INDYSABRE 12 2 14
497 University of California Los Angeles Fencing Club UCLA 2 2 4
498 Midwest Fencing Club MIDWESTFC 45 2 47
499 Rockville Fencing Academy ROCKVILLEFA 22 2 24
500 New England Fencing Alliance NEWENGLANDFA 1 2 3
501 Steel City Fencers Club STEELCTYFC 0 2 2
502 Cambridge Fencing Center CAMBRDGEFCNT 7 2 9
503 Stevens Institute of Technology (University) NCAA SIOTUNIV 7 2 9
504 Dunedin Fencing Club DUNEDINFC 8 2 10
505 Epic Fencing Club EPICFC 47 2 49
506 Sierra Blades Fencing Academy SIERRABLADES 3 2 5
507 League City Fencers Club LEAGUECITYFC 0 2 2
508 Rose City Fencing ROSECITYFENC 1 2 3
509 Wildcat Fencing Club WILDCATFC 4 2 6
510 Auburn Fencing Club AUBURNFC 17 2 19
511 Orange County Fencing Center OCFC 1 2 3
512 Sword Masters Club, Orlando SMC 13 2 15
513 Ace Fencing Academy ACE 18 2 20
514 Las Vegas Fencing Academy LVFA 54 2 56
515 Sabre Escrime of Pasadena SEOP 7 2 9
516 The Morgan School TMS 1 2 3
517 Imperial Fencing Club IFC 0 2 2
518 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Connecticut) TIMMOREHOUSE 10 2 12
519 Golden State Fencing Academy GSFA 49 2 51
520 High Point Fencing Club HIGH POINT FC 0 2 2
521 Blacksburg Fencing Club BFC 1 2 3
522 Allegro Fencing Center AFC 20 2 22
523 The Lab THELAB 1 2 3
524 00 Fencing 00FENCING 3 2 5
525 North Hollywood High School NHHS 0 2 2
526 Renard Fencing Academy RENARD 13 2 15
527 Liberty University Fencing Club LUFC 7 1 8
528 "A' La" Fencing Instruction AFI 1 1 2
529 Stamford Fencing Center, LLC STAMFORDFC 25 1 26
530 Knights Of Siena (SC) KNIGHTSSIENA 9 1 10
531 Homewood Fencing Club HOMEWOODFC 10 1 11
532 Miami Lakes Fencing Club MIAMILAKESFC 14 1 15
533 Naples Fencing Academy NAPLESFA 4 1 5
534 Premier Fencing Club PFC 11 1 12
535 Gold Fencing Club GOLDFC 28 1 29
536 Thrust Fencing Academy THRUSTFA 8 1 9
537 West Shore Fencers Club WESTSHOREFC 0 1 1
538 University Of North Texas Fencing Club UNTFENCING 9 1 10
539 Tampa Fencing & Tennis Academy TAMPAFENCING 72 1 73
540 On Target Fencing Team ON TARGET 7 1 8
541 Tulane University Fencing Club TULANE FC 2 1 3
542 University Of Wyoming Fencing Club UWYOFC 8 1 9
543 Salle D'Armes Bosco SALLED'ARMES 1 1 2
544 Central Pennsylvania Fencing Association CNPAFA 6 1 7
545 Syracuse Musketeers Fencing SYRACUSEMUSK 11 1 12
546 Peekskill Fencing Center PEEKSKILLFC 0 1 1
547 Williamsport Fencing Club WILLIAMSPORT 3 1 4
548 Valley Fencing Club VFC 2 1 3
549 Wilmington Fencer's Club WILMINGTONFC 4 1 5
550 Vassar College Fencing Club NCAA VASSARCLG 22 1 23
551 Marin Pentathlon Club MARINPENTCLB 2 1 3
552 Fresno Fencing Club FRESNOFENCINGCLUB 27 1 28
553 Master Sabre Fencing Academy MSFA 20 1 21
554 North Bay Fencing Academy NORTHBAYFA 3 1 4
555 En Garde Fencing - California ENGARDE-CA 1 1 2
556 Escrime D'Acadie ESD'ACADIE 4 1 5
557 National Fencing Foundation Of Washington DC NFFDC 0 1 1
558 Lincoln Square Fencing LINCOLNSQUARE 18 1 19
559 Liberty Fencing Club LLC LIBERTYFC 3 1 4
560 University Of Notre Dame NCAA NOTREDAME 38 1 39
561 Cleveland State Univ. NCAA CLEVESTATEU 15 1 16
562 The Ohio State University NCAA OSUNCAA 35 1 36
563 Out Of Nowhere Fencing Club OUTNOWHEREFC 3 1 4
564 The University of Texas @ San Antonio Fencing Club UTSAFC 4 1 5
565 Mississippi Fencing Club MISSFC 10 1 11
566 Binghamton University Fencing Club BU 3 1 4
567 University of Texas Dallas UTDALLAS 6 1 7
568 Iron Works Fencing IRON 1 1 2
569 Peters Township Fencing Club PETERSTWNSHP 1 1 2
570 Colorado Mesa University COMESAU 0 1 1
571 Rising Stars Sports RSS 2 1 3
572 Silver City Fencing Club SILVERCITYFC 2 1 3
573 The Villages Fencing Club VILLAGESFC 3 1 4
574 First Sword FIRST SWORD 0 1 1
575 Recreational Fencing of Manassas RFOMANASSAS 5 1 6
576 Mid-Island Fencing Academy MIDISLANDFA 32 1 33
577 Blade Runner Fencing BLADERUNNER 5 1 6
578 MG Fencing Club MGFC 13 1 14
579 Middle Tennessee Fencing Club MIDDLETNFC 6 1 7
580 Deer Park Fencers Club DPFC 0 1 1
581 Polytechnic School POLYTECHNIC 0 1 1
582 St. John LaLande Fencing Club SJLLFC 1 1 2
583 Central Iowa Fencing Academy CIFA 8 1 9
584 Texas Sabre Academy TXSA 21 1 22
585 Northeastern University Club Fencing NUCF 9 1 10
586 Raptors Fencing Club RFC 2 1 3
587 Wolfpack Pentathlon Club WPC 0 1 1
588 ArtDu Fencing ARTDU 23 1 24
589 The Fencing Academy TFA 2 1 3
590 Echo Fencing EF 4 1 5
591 Baker County Fencing Club BCFC 7 1 8
592 Florida International University Fencing Club FIUFC 0 1 1
593 Space City Fencing Academy (pearland) SCFA 6 1 7
594 ValorUSA Fencing Club LLC VALORUSA 11 1 12
595 University of Holy Cross UHC 1 1 2
596 Orange County International Fencers Club OCIFC 18 1 19
597 Alpha Fencing Academy ALPHAFA 22 1 23
598 Gamecock Fencing Club GFC 9 1 10
599 Golden Epee GOLDE 0 1 1
600 Iconic Fencing Club ICONIC 17 1 18
601 Sabio Fencing Academy SABIO 36 1 37
602 Naples Fencing School NFC 6 1 7
603 Missoula Fencing Association MISSOULAFA 1 0 1
604 Vaksman Fencing Club VFC 2 0 2
605 University Of Connecticut Fencing Club UCONNFC 3 0 3
606 Sacramento Saber Fencing LLC SCRMNTOSABER 21 0 21
607 Connecticut Fencers Club CTFC 1 0 1
608 The Sabre School SABRESCHOOL 1 0 1
609 Silicon Valley Fencing Center SILICONVLYFC 151 0 151
610 Two Ravens Fencing School TWORAVENSFS 16 0 16
611 Delaware Valley Fencers Club-PA DEVLYFC-PA 38 0 38
612 Florespa Fencing Club, Inc. FLORESPAFC 1 0 1
613 Royal Fencing Academy ROYALFA 31 0 31
614 Top Fencing Club TOPFC 48 0 48
615 Advance Fencing AF 13 0 13
616 University of Incarnate Word Fencing NCAA INCARNATEWRD 10 0 10
617 Appalachian State University Fencing Club ASUFC 13 0 13
618 Shepherd Swords Fencing Club SHEPSPI 6 0 6
619 California Fencing Academy CALIFFENCING 16 0 16
620 National Fencing Alliance-LLC NFA 5 0 5
621 Georgia Southern University Fencing Club GA SOUTHRN U. 6 0 6
622 No Fear Fencing NOFEAR 18 0 18
623 Florida Atlantic University Fencing Club FLORIDA 2 0 2
624 Swords & Strategy Fencing SWORDSNSTRGY 3 0 3
625 University Of Miami Fencing Club UOMFC 1 0 1
626 Woodside Fencing Center, Inc. WOODSIDEFC 2 0 2
627 Sewanee Fencing Society SEWANEEFENCINGSOCIETY 1 0 1
628 Las Positas Fencing Center LASPOSITASFC 23 0 23
629 Concord Fencing Club CONCORDFC 1 0 1
630 Gristmill Fencing Club GRISTMILL 1 0 1
631 Wicked Cool Bar & Grille WICKEDCOOLBG 4 0 4
632 Middle Tennessee State University Fencing Club MTSUFC 1 0 1
633 D'Alerta Fencing Academy DALERTAFA 4 0 4
634 Underground Fencing Organization UFO 4 0 4
635 New Orleans Athletic Club NEWORLEANSAC 8 0 8
636 North Carolina Fencing Development Program NCFDP 1 0 1
637 South Mountain Fencing SMMA 2 0 2
638 Johns Hopkins University NCAA JOHNSHOPKINS 15 0 15
639 New York University NCAA NYU 28 0 28
640 Frontier Fencing Studio Inc. FFSI 1 0 1
641 Fencers School Of Connecticut FSOCT 11 0 11
642 St. Johns College Fencing Union STJOHNSMD 1 0 1
643 Village Fencing Club VILLAGEFC 6 0 6
644 Schoolhouse Fencing SCHLHOUSEFEN 3 0 3
645 Crimson Blades Fencing Academy CBFA 1 0 1
646 Princeton-Hillsborough YMCA PHYFENCING 1 0 1
647 TigerZ Fencing Academy TIGERZFA 1 0 1
648 Maryland Fencing Club MARYLANDFC 3 0 3
649 New Trier X-Caliber Fencing Club NTXCALIBERFC 1 0 1
650 Eagle Fencing Academy EAGLEFA 1 0 1
651 Boston College NCAA BCNCAA 11 0 11
652 Haverford College NCAA HVRFRD 1 0 1
653 Wellesley College Fencing NCAA WELLESLEYCLG 2 0 2
654 Yale University Fencing NCAA YALEUNIV 7 0 7
655 Temple University NCAA TEMPLEUNIV 15 0 15
656 Pennsylvania State University NCAA PASTATEUNIV 14 0 14
657 Northwestern University NCAA NWUNIVNCAA 36 0 36
658 St. John's University NCAA STJOHNNCAA 2 0 2
659 Columbia University NCAA COLUMBIAU 20 0 20
660 University of Detroit Mercy NCAA DETROITMERCY 6 0 6
661 Wayne State University NCAA WAYNESTATEU 14 0 14
662 Brandeis University NCAA BRANDEISNCAA 11 0 11
663 Brown University NCAA BROWNUNCAA 1 0 1
664 Harvard University NCAA HARVARD 6 0 6
665 Princeton University NCAA PRINCETONU 8 0 8
666 Drew University NCAA DREWUNIVNCAA 19 0 19
667 University Of Pennsylvania NCAA UNIVPA 18 0 18
668 Cornell University NCAA CORNELLUNIV 10 0 10
669 Duke University Fencing NCAA DUKEUNIVNCAA 12 0 12
670 US Air Force Academy NCAA University USAFA 26 0 26
671 Lawrence University Fencing NCAA LAWRENCEUNIV 3 0 3
672 Sacred Heart University NCAA SHU 17 0 17
673 Allegheny College Fencing Club ALCG 1 0 1
674 Culver Military Academy CULVER 18 0 18
675 Mustang Fencing Club MFC 36 0 36
676 Peninsula Fencing Academy PENINSULAFA 11 0 11
677 Fencing Club at Indiana University FCIU 6 0 6
678 East End Fencing Academy EASTENDFA 1 0 1
679 Piedmont Fencing Team PFT 14 0 14
680 Queen City Fencers Club LLC QUEENCITYFC 16 0 16
681 Precision Athletics Fencing Club PRECISIONAFC 39 0 39
682 Denison University Fencing NCAA DENISONUFC 26 0 26
683 Wagner College NCAA WAGNERNCAA 17 0 17
684 Anaheim Hills Fencers Club AHFC 1 0 1
685 Doral Fencing Club DORALFC 13 0 13
686 LHS-VHHS Fencing Team- High School LHS-VHHS 8 0 8
687 Princeton Interscholastic Fencing PRINCETONINTF 5 0 5
688 Resolute Sport Fencing RSF 4 0 4
689 Olympian Fencing Studio OLYMPIANFS 23 0 23
690 Excel Fencing Academy EXCELFA 6 0 6
691 SCAD- Atlanta Fencing SCAD 7 0 7
692 Orlando Fencing Academy OFACAD 22 0 22
693 Forward Fencing Academy FFA 3 0 3
694 DMACC Fencing Club DMACC 3 0 3
695 Hollywood Fencing Studio HFS 1 0 1
696 Keystone College Fencing Club KCFC 9 0 9
697 Guanyi Fencing Academy GFA 39 0 39
698 Gladius Athletic Foundation GAF 1 0 1
699 LA Fencing Academy of Pomona LAFAP 96 0 96
700 Long Island University NCAA LIU 6 0 6
701 Wichita Fencing & HEMA Academy WFHEMA 2 0 2
702 Cordele Athletic Club CAC 2 0 2
703 Jovanovic Fencing JOVANOVIC 16 0 16
704 True Focus Sports Academy TFSA 23 0 23
705 Don Bosco Prep DBP 1 0 1
706 Platinum Fencing Academy PFA 1 0 1
707 Pine-Richland Fencing Club PRFC 1 0 1
708 Oxford Park OP 4 0 4
709 University of Oklahoma Fencing Club UOKFC 1 0 1
710 Puget Sound Fencing Academy PSFA 1 0 1
711 Franklin Fencing Club FFC 1 0 1
712 North Dallas Fencing Club NDFC 7 0 7
713 Wanglei International Fencing Club #2 WIFC2 1 0 1
714 Axis Fencing Club AFC 45 0 45
715 Denver Fencing Foundation DFF 1 0 1
716 North Atlanta High School Fencing Team (Saber & Foil) NAHSFT 1 0 1
717 The Citadel Fencing Team TCFT 5 0 5
718 Louisiana Tech University LTU 1 0 1
719 Cloak and Dagger Fencing Club CADFC 7 0 7
720 Space Coast Olympic Fencing SCOF 6 0 6
721 AZ United Fencing Club AZUFC 12 0 12
722 Bayside Fencing Club BAYFC 37 0 37
723 Ledyard Fencing Club LEDYARD 3 0 3
724 Universal Swords and Fitness UNIVERSAL 10 0 10
725 Salle Hinton HINTON 6 0 6
726 Level Up Fencing LVL 1 0 1
727 Lartin Bosco Fencing Club LARTIN BOSCO 9 0 9
728 Jacksonville Fencing Club JAX 23 0 23