Andrew DeCorleto III


Win/Loss Statistics

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - - - - 63 63
Losses - - - - 169 169
Win Ratio - - - - 27.2% 27.2%
Pool Victories - - - - 54 54
Pool Losses - - - - 136 136
Pool Win Ratio - - - - 28.4% 28.4%
DE Victories - - - - 9 9
DE Losses - - - - 33 33
DE Win Ratio - - - - 21.4% 21.4%

Note: Seasons start on August 1st and end on July 31st.


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Easy wins - - - - 20 20
Easy wins as % of wins - - - - 31.7% 31.7%
Close wins - - - - 17 17
Close wins as % of all wins - - - - 27.0% 27.0%
Close losses - - - - 12 12
Close losses as % of all losses - - - - 7.1% 7.1%
Big losses - - - - 100 100
Big losses as % of all losses - - - - 59.2% 59.2%

Easy victories or big losses are those with the score difference of 4 or more touches in a pool, 7 or more touches in direct elimination, and 5 or more in veteran and youth direct elimination.
Close bouts are those with the score difference of 1 or fewer touches in a pool, 3 or fewer touches in direct elimination, or 2 or fewer touches in veteran or youth direct elimination.

Bouts with Time Expired

2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Victories - - - - - -
Victories as % of all victories - - - - 0.0% 0.0%
Losses - - - - 1 1
Losses as % of all losses - - - - 0.6% 0.6%
Total - - - - 1 1
Total as % of all bouts - - - - 0.4% 0.4%


2024-2025 2023-2024 2022-2023 2021-2022 Before 2021 All Time
Events - - - - 33 33
Tournaments - - - - 19 19

Competition History

Capitol Clash SYC, RCC, Veteran ROC & Y8

Y-14 Men's Foil (A2/B3, Y14), January 19, 2020
Place 166 of 188, Seed 175, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 SYOMICHEV Gleb A. 68 158 E19 86 Fairfield County Fencing Academy AKA Fairfield Fencing Academy 2365 1811 4.5 18%
Pool L 1:5 XU Jia Bao (Bowen) 42 86 U 93 2816 1806 1.5 5%
Pool L 0:5 PO Oliver 94 E19 112 Fencers Club Inc. 2536 1805 3.1 11%
Pool W 5:4 WANG Winston 151 U 172 Advanced International Fencing Club 1773 1802 10.8 52%
Pool L 2:5 GONG Benjamin 122 U 41 Marx Fencing Academy 2586 1812 2.8 10%
Pool L 0:5 YANG Luao 14 31 B19 18 Renaissance Fencing Club 3078 1810 0.6 2%
T256 L 7:15 SONG Austin 118 U 60 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2184 1616 16.3 18%

Capitol Clash SYC, RCC, Veteran ROC & Y8

Y-12 Men's Foil (C2, Y12), January 18, 2020
Place 57 of 142, Seed 103, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:4 SIMON Luke 140 U 83 American Institute Of Fencing 1727 1788 10.5 54%
Pool L 0:5 LI Matthew 19 32 U 13 Advanced International Fencing Club 2408 1799 4.1 16%
Pool W 5:2 SENIC Lucas 67 U 135 Renaissance Fencing Club 1958 1795 14.1 39%
Pool W 5:4 MAIER Finn 62 U 102 Rockville Fencing Academy 1396 1809 5.9 74%
Pool L 2:5 LI Yao (Liam) 24 42 E19 28 Olympia Fencing Center 2414 1815 4.1 16%
T128 W 15:8 LEWIS Nikhil I. 121 U 73 Top Fencing Club / Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 957 1601 14.6 82%
T64 L 2:15 DESERANNO Jeidus 1 1 A19 1 Renaissance Fencing Club 3846 1616 0.0 < 1%

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Y-12 Men's Foil (C2, Y12), December 1, 2019
Place 63 of 127, Seed 87, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:0 YANG Hongyu 125 U 125 2500 1792 11.1 24%
Pool L 3:5 ZHOU Leon 106 U 41 5T Fencers Club 2142 1803 7.0 29%
Pool L 1:5 WECHSLER Jacob 30 65 E19 36 Fencers Club Inc. 2324 1796 4.9 19%
Pool L 4:5 TOLBA Abdelrahman 9 14 C19 6 Premier Fencing Club 2895 1791 1.1 3%
Pool W 5:2 AKYAMAC Bora 47 U 91 Medeo Fencing Club 1359 1790 5.9 76%
Pool L 0:5 LI Ayren 68 U 71 Olympia Fencing Center 2084 1796 7.6 32%
T128 W 15:11 ZHUANG Chuanxuan 72 U 66 Gold Fencing Club 1591 1561 42.8 48%
T64 L 3:15 GARCIA Sebastian R. 44 E19 11 South Brooklyn Fencing 2867 1604 3.0 2%

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Y-14 Men's Foil (B3, Y14), November 30, 2019
Place 142 of 174, Seed 148, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 BAS Liam 3 8 B19 9 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2940 1805 1.0 3%
Pool W 5:1 ZHUANG Chuanxuan 100 U 171 Gold Fencing Club 1588 1804 8.6 64%
Pool L 4:5 XIANG Derrick 47 125 U 76 5T Fencers Club 2269 1812 5.7 22%
Pool L 0:5 LI Owen 53 143 D19 23 International Fencers Alliance Of Boston 2931 1807 1.1 3%
Pool L 3:5 TANG Albert 103 U 135 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2018 1806 8.7 36%
Pool L 4:5 LIU Zixian (Aaron) 95 U 130 2323 1797 4.9 19%
T256 L 6:15 LI Lianhao 123 U 115 Advanced International Fencing Club 1325 1609 48.2 64%

Neil Lazar RYC/RJCC

Y-14 Men's Foil (C2, Y14), November 17, 2019
Place 59 of 84, Seed 44, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 LEE Jacob J 54 U 10 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2360 1813 4.8 18%
Pool L 0:5 MIALL Steven A. 31 U 17 Moe Fencing Club LLC 2666 1808 2.4 8%
Pool W 5:3 WANG Julang 82 U 71 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1563 1806 8.3 66%
Pool W 5:1 EBERMAN Henry 65 U 81 Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club 1382 1814 5.6 72%
Pool L 2:5 BOYLE Aiden P. 20 E19 16 Candlewood Fencing Center 1796 1820 11.8 52%
Pool L 0:5 CATINO Brennen 6 116 U 26 Fencers School Of Connecticut / 5T Fencers Club 2539 1808 3.2 11%
T128 W 15:7 LUO liangzhao 74 U 70 Silver City Fencing Club 2500 1562 51.3 18%
T64 L 7:15 WU Alexander 10 158 E19 6 Olympia Fencing Center 2798 1613 4.0 3%

Neil Lazar RYC/RJCC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), November 16, 2019
Place 20 of 58, Seed 55, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 AUGUSTINE Aaron A. 4 44 U 12 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2338 1781 4.9 18%
Pool L 2:4 LIU Derek 21 U 18 Olympia Fencing Center 2466 1776 3.6 13%
Pool W 5:2 ZENG Rick 37 U 49 5T Fencers Club 1538 1772 8.6 65%
Pool W 5:3 MARSHALL Henry 15 U 55 Vivo Fencing Club 1171 1781 4.4 79%
Pool W 5:2 KLOTZ Isaiah 23 U 30 Manhattan Fencing Center 1738 1785 11.3 53%
Pool W 5:4 LEE Brendan 53 U 27 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2073 1796 16.7 32%
T64 W 15:4 LEE Eugene 46 U 47 Top Fencing Club 1210 1544 28.7 68%
T32 L 4:15 GUO Justin 8 80 U 8 5T Fencers Club 2414 1573 10.8 9%

THRUST FALL ROC/RYC w/Veterans and Y8

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), November 3, 2019
Place 44 of 66, Seed 53, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 AUGUSTINE Aaron A. 9 44 U 8 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2310 1780 5.4 19%
Pool W 5:3 CHA James 29 U 58 Top Fencing Club 2107 1775 18.2 30%
Pool L 2:5 JIA Jing Yu 55 U 41 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1295 1793 20.8 79%
Pool W 5:2 ORLOV Dmitriy 14 79 U 43 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2046 1772 17.2 33%
Pool L 1:5 WANG Mason 32 U 13 International Fencers Alliance Of Boston 2003 1790 9.0 36%
T64 L 5:15 LI Aaron 19 E19 22 International Fencers Alliance Of Boston 2692 1549 5.1 4%

THRUST FALL ROC/RYC w/Veterans and Y8

Y-14 Men's Foil (B2, Y14), November 2, 2019
Place 65 of 69, Seed 43, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 HOOSHI Jayden C. 3 19 C19 3 East Coast Fencing Club 3030 1815 0.9 2%
Pool L 3:5 LORANGER Peter 52 U 49 Fairfield County Fencing Academy AKA Fairfield Fencing Academy 1678 1814 13.5 58%
Pool L 2:5 LEE Jacob J 55 U 31 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2305 1800 5.7 20%
Pool L 3:5 NICOLL William 39 U 53 The Storm King School 2214 1794 6.7 25%
Pool L 0:5 MENG Zhaoyi 18 166 D19 20 Gold Fencing Club 2542 1788 3.3 11%
Pool L 0:5 TSIMIKLIS Yanni 23 E19 14 5t Fencers Club 2434 1785 4.2 14%
T128 L 11:15 DE JAGER Robert 24 U 64 Fencing Academy Of Westchester 1324 1616 66.5 66%

Ben Gutenberg RYC/RJCC & Div IA Local

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), October 12, 2019
Place 9 of 16, Seed 15, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:0 DING Tom Zitong 6 U 14 1925 1800 14.5 42%
Pool L 1:5 LI Chenglang Ryan 12 U 5 2304 1815 5.9 22%
Pool W 5:0 BANG Ian 13 U 13 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 896 1809 2.4 92%
Pool L 0:5 ORR Spencer 1 22 E19 1 2639 1811 2.8 9%
Pool W 5:0 JIA Jing Yu 7 U 11 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1356 1808 6.3 76%
T16 L 8:15 MATSAKH Philip 3 77 U 8 Fencers Club Inc. 2508 1628 12.3 10%

Ben Gutenberg RYC/RJCC & Div IA Local

Y-14 Men's Foil (U, Y14), October 12, 2019
Place 17 of 33, Seed 31, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:4 ORR Spencer 2 71 E19 13 2799 1749 36.2 4%
Pool W 5:1 TAN Connor 9 U 15 2184 1785 20.3 26%
Pool L 3:5 PARK Jason B. 12 U 9 2181 1805 6.7 32%
Pool L 2:5 LI Chenglang Ryan 27 U 7 1865 1798 11.3 46%
Pool W 5:0 YOU Alex 18 U 25 Vivo Fencing Club 1592 1787 9.5 62%
Pool W 5:3 XU Feng 22 U 30 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1020 1796 3.5 87%
T32 L 5:15 RYNSKI Gerik 28 U 16 Rochester Fencing Club 1941 1663 34.9 36%

Fairfax Challenge SYC/RCC & Y8

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), September 22, 2019
Place 49 of 63, Seed 44, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 ZHEN Ethan 13 47 U 14 Gold Fencing Club 2425 1771 4.6 14%
Pool L 3:5 CHO Ethan H. 34 U 45 2456 1767 4.3 13%
Pool W 5:2 ROSE Ben 49 U 47 Apex Fencing Academy 1501 1762 9.5 66%
Pool L 4:5 SIMON Luke 54 U 43 American Institute Of Fencing 1711 1772 14.7 54%
Pool L 1:5 LI Jinghua E. 24 78 U 22 5T Fencers Club 2202 1757 6.9 23%
Pool L 1:5 LEE Aidan 6 12 D19 7 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2787 1750 1.7 4%
T64 L 3:15 MARX Jackson L. 9 17 D19 16 Fencers Club Inc. 3225 1665 1.4 1%

Fairfax Challenge SYC/RCC & Y8

Y-14 Men's Foil (B2, Y14), September 21, 2019
Place 76 of 86, Seed 80, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 4:5 KNIZHNIK David 65 U 69 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2022 1783 10.3 35%
Pool L 1:5 TAHOUN Mostafa 47 U 27 Premier Fencing Club 2384 1773 5.2 16%
Pool L 1:5 NAGER Noah 20 88 D19 6 Fencers Club Inc. 2911 1767 1.2 3%
Pool L 1:5 GAO William 34 D19 20 Baltimore Fencing Center 2084 1766 9.0 30%
Pool L 0:5 ZHANG Yun Isaac 7 38 C19 33 3036 1757 0.8 2%
Pool W 5:3 ROBBINS Tusker F. 57 U 84 Apex Fencing Academy 1806 1756 14.9 47%
T128 L 8:15 DRESSEL Jet 64 U 54 Baltimore Fencing Center 2148 1695 30.1 25%

Albert Chikayev Memorial ROC/RYC

Y-14 Men's Foil (C2, Y14), September 15, 2019
Place 45 of 49, Seed 37, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 ZELTSER Lawrence M. 3 33 C19 3 East Coast Fencing Club / Manhattan Fencing Center 2765 1786 2.2 5%
Pool L 1:5 ACHILOV Sayid 33 U 8 Rhode Island Fencing Academy And Club 2320 1784 6.3 19%
Pool L 1:5 LI Jinghua E. 46 U 27 5T Fencers Club 2190 1778 8.0 25%
Pool L 3:5 HAN Lawrence 12 D18 7 Medeo Fencing Club 2497 1770 4.1 12%
Pool L 1:5 PO Oliver 22 U 28 Fencers Club Inc. 2450 1766 4.5 13%
Pool W 5:2 ZHONG Guoren 17 U 40 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 2087 1761 21.7 30%
T64 L 4:15 GARCIA Sebastian R. 13 E19 15 South Brooklyn Fencing 2792 1703 8.0 5%

Albert Chikayev Memorial ROC/RYC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), September 14, 2019
Place 26 of 40, Seed 25, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 XIAO Benjamin 38 U 17 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) / Olympian Fencing Studio 2199 1796 8.5 26%
Pool W 5:4 MALHAM Andrew 37 U 34 Bucks County Academy Of Fencing / Bucks County Academy Of Fencing - West 1428 1788 9.1 72%
Pool W 5:2 LI Allen 24 U 37 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1328 1797 7.4 77%
Pool L 1:5 LIN James G. 12 60 U 8 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2384 1804 5.9 17%
Pool L 2:5 CHENG Ethan 13 70 U 29 Olympia Fencing Center 2048 1798 10.7 34%
Pool L 2:5 HOOSHI Jayden C. 1 2 C19 1 East Coast Fencing Club 2984 1787 1.1 2%
T64 W 15:6 CHOI Eugene 20 U 39 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 1875 1685 54.4 42%
T32 L 3:15 XIANG Derrick 16 82 U 7 5T Fencers Club 2126 1740 36.8 28%

Premier Challenge RYC/RJCC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), September 7, 2019
Place 20 of 37, Seed 24, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 ARICO Trey 37 U 13 Freehold Fencing Academy 1936 1769 13.0 40%
Pool W 5:3 SHOUSHA Yassin 22 U 34 Peoria Fencing Academy 1792 1756 12.3 48%
Pool W 5:0 ONIK Ari N. 25 U 32 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 1783 1768 16.6 49%
Pool L 2:5 SVERDLOV Seth 27 U 17 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2008 1785 11.8 36%
Pool W 5:3 LEE Brendan 12 U 19 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club (Port Chester) 2121 1773 24.0 28%
Pool L 3:5 HOOSHI Jayden C. 1 2 C19 1 East Coast Fencing Club 2973 1797 1.2 3%
T32 L 10:15 JURMAN THERIN 15 U 14 Rockland Fencers Club 2334 1712 26.7 18%

Premier Challenge RYC/RJCC

Y-14 Men's Foil (U, Y14), September 6, 2019
Place 8 of 25, Seed 20, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 4:5 XIANG Derrick 5 71 U 9 5T Fencers Club 2222 1815 9.5 25%
Pool L 2:5 MENG Xiang 19 U 18 Freehold Fencing Academy / Wanglei International Fencing Club 2843 1806 3.5 13%
Pool L 3:5 PITERBARG Maxim 15 U 16 Fairfield County Fencing Academy AKA Fairfield Fencing Academy 1964 1802 13.9 40%
Pool L 1:5 AUGUSTINE Aaron A. 4 70 U 10 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2337 1788 7.0 18%
Pool L 0:5 LEE Jacob J 12 U 3 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2008 1781 12.1 36%
T32 W 15:13 LIGOS Alex M. 10 U 17 V Fencing Club 1749 1442 112.0 34%
T16 W 15:14 AUGUSTINE Aaron A. 4 70 U 10 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2402 1554 178.1 10%
T8 L 4:15 LEE Jacob J 12 U 3 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2529 1732 20.2 13%

USA Fencing National Championships & July Challenge

Y-12 Men's Foil (B2/C3, Y12), July 7, 2019
Place 189 of 276, Seed 266, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 HONG Issac 106 125 U 89 Fencing Academy Of Westchester 2470 1795 5.9 13%
Pool L 3:5 LI Aaron 215 U 114 International Fencers Alliance Of Boston 2439 1789 6.2 14%
Pool W 5:3 RANJITH Yash M. 184 U 248 Academy Of Fencing Masters (AFM) 1987 1783 23.4 37%
Pool L 4:5 KANG Anthony Jaegu 55 66 U 78 Massialas Foundation (M Team) 2567 1807 4.6 11%
Pool W 5:2 NG Jeremiah 135 U 221 Salle Marquis De Lafayette 1673 1802 14.6 58%
Pool L 0:5 DOCTOR Aidan L. 26 27 D19 21 5T Fencers Club 3038 1816 1.2 2%
T256 L 7:15 TAN Christien 107 125 U 80 Fencing Institute Of Texas 2360 1463 21.5 9%

Mr. Mac Cup 2019

Y-14 Men's Foil (U, Y14), June 2, 2019
Place 9 of 16, Seed 4, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool W 5:3 RADTKE Jakob 10 U 15 Sebastiani Fencing Academy 1464 1717 13.4 65%
Pool W 5:4 CHEN Kyle P. 11 U 3 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2402 1731 39.9 14%
Pool W 5:4 ORLOV Dmitriy 15 U 11 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2035 1771 26.1 33%
Pool L 2:5 DAI Jonathan T. 3 E19 3 V Fencing Club 2959 1797 1.6 3%
T16 L 6:15 BOOTSMA Shane-Anson 2 D18 8 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 1946 1520 56.8 27%

Mr. Mac Cup 2019

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), June 1, 2019
Place 14 of 23, Seed 20, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 TOLBA Abdelrahman 1 D19 1 Premier Fencing Club 2815 1686 2.0 3%
Pool W 5:3 CHEN Kyle P. 8 U 17 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2413 1684 45.7 12%
Pool L 1:5 SONG Austin 21 U 5 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2117 1729 11.6 26%
Pool L 3:5 GUO Justin 9 U 10 5T Fencers Club 2204 1718 9.5 21%
Pool W 5:3 XU Dinghui Ryan 17 U 23 Baltimore Mid Atlantic Fencing Academy 1210 1708 9.2 78%
T32 W 15:13 KOVACS Wyatt 19 U 19 Medeo Fencing Club 1887 1373 155.1 26%
T16 L 6:15 TOLBA Abdelrahman 1 D19 1 Premier Fencing Club 2833 1528 8.3 3%

Mission SYC

Y-12 Men's Foil (C2, Y12), May 5, 2019
Place 71 of 86, Seed 68, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 LEE Aidan 17 49 E18 31 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2701 1678 3.0 5%
Pool L 1:5 LI Owen 10 21 D19 12 International Fencers Alliance Of Boston 2949 1675 1.4 2%
Pool W 5:4 TIKHAEV Alexander 66 U 77 Invicta Sports 1863 1674 28.0 38%
Pool L 2:5 CHEN Kyle P. 36 117 U 47 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2409 1702 6.5 12%
Pool L 2:5 LI Jinghua E. 85 U 35 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 2220 1695 9.4 20%
T128 L 14:15 LEE Jonah 51 U 58 Fairfield County Fencing Academy AKA Fairfield Fencing Academy 2527 1390 16.7 5%

American Challenge RYC/RCC all Youth Events and Cadet Only Events

Y-14 Men's Foil (C2, Y14), March 31, 2019
Place 44 of 77, Seed 55, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 NAGER Noah 11 126 D19 18 Fencers Club Inc. 3012 1623 1.0 1%
Pool W 5:2 GAO Payton 34 U 66 V Fencing Club / Worldwide Fencing Academy 1578 1622 22.3 53%
Pool L 0:5 LIN James G. 33 U 31 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2420 1644 6.0 10%
Pool W 5:2 BOUSSY Luciano 76 U 53 International Fencing Club 1846 1638 29.1 37%
Pool W 5:1 MARRINAN Aidan 61 U 73 1268 1667 11.5 70%
Pool L 0:5 DOCTOR Aidan L. 12 131 D19 7 5T Fencers Club 3075 1679 0.9 1%
T64 L 5:15 GOOR Julian 15 166 U 22 Fencers Club Inc. 2725 1400 10.3 3%

Garden State RYC + Non-Regional Cadet

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), March 24, 2019
Place 42 of 55, Seed 21, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 XIANG Derrick 26 U 25 5T Fencers Club 2208 1604 10.0 16%
Pool L 2:5 SONG Bryan 50 U 11 Premier Fencing Club 2195 1594 9.9 17%
Pool L 1:5 BING Charles 5 28 E18 1 Olympia Fencing Center 3006 1584 0.9 1%
Pool W 5:1 ZHU Brandan 37 U 53 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 1181 1584 14.0 74%
Pool L 3:5 HONG Issac 12 116 U 20 Fencing Academy Of Westchester 2473 1598 5.0 8%
Pool W 5:3 RADOSLAVOV Ivan-Asen 52 U 15 Fencers Club Inc. 1787 1592 30.3 38%
T64 L 3:15 XIANG Derrick 26 U 25 5T Fencers Club 1799 1494 93.3 34%

Garden State RYC + Non-Regional Cadet

Y-14 Men's Foil (C2, Y14), March 23, 2019
Place 53 of 61, Seed 30, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 3:5 LI Ayren 41 U 45 Olympia Fencing Center 1967 1619 17.1 29%
Pool W 5:4 VISHNEVSKY Aden 49 U 60 V Fencing Club 1284 1601 16.1 67%
Pool L 2:5 NAGER Noah 6 126 D19 33 Fencers Club Inc. 2978 1617 1.2 1%
Pool L 1:5 DOUGLAS Oscar M. 25 U 19 Durkan Fencing Academy 2732 1616 2.8 4%
Pool L 2:5 TSIMIKLIS Yanni 61 U 39 5T Fencers Club 2332 1613 8.0 12%
Pool L 0:5 REZNICK Nicholas J. 13 172 C19 5 Freehold Fencing Academy 2977 1605 1.2 1%
T64 L 5:15 LI Owen 9 161 D19 12 International Fencers Alliance Of Boston 3135 1498 4.8 1%

Thrust Winter RYC RJCC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), February 10, 2019
Place 36 of 56, Seed 17, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 LI Richard 1 29 D18 1 Fencing Academy of Westchester / Olympian Fencing Studio 2977 1506 1.0 1%
Pool L 4:5 PROMRAT Pete 50 U 16 Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club 2181 1504 10.8 14%
Pool W 5:0 PLASTARAS Trey 31 U 56 5T Fencers Club 1269 1494 22.2 63%
Pool W 5:4 TORRES Treston 34 U 37 V Fencing Club 2207 1516 64.7 13%
Pool W 5:4 SONG Bryan 18 U 26 Premier Fencing Club 2043 1581 48.2 24%
Pool L 4:5 GAO Anthony 54 U 25 Olympia Fencing Center / Worcester Fencing Club 2261 1629 10.3 16%
T64 L 8:15 GAO Simon 43 U 29 1669 1612 113.6 48%

Thrust Winter RYC RJCC

Y-14 Men's Foil (C2, Y14), February 9, 2019
Place 82 of 83, Seed 39, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 BAS Liam 10 115 D19 1 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2768 1538 2.6 2%
Pool L 1:5 PO Oliver 34 U 47 Fencers Club Inc. 2550 1535 5.0 5%
Pool L 2:5 LI Owen 15 159 E19 38 International Fencers Alliance of Boston 3100 1530 0.8 1%
Pool L 0:5 ACHILOV Sayid 72 U 42 Rhode Island Fencing Academy and Club 2373 1530 7.8 9%
Pool L 2:5 RUSADZE Nickolas 62 U 31 Tim Morehouse Fencing Club 2843 1522 1.9 2%
Pool L 0:5 ZHONG Guoren 60 U 43 Mid-Island Fencing Academy 2065 1520 14.5 19%
T128 L 7:15 PO Oliver 34 U 47 Fencers Club Inc. 2485 1664 51.8 14%

Capitol Clash SYC & RCC with Non-Regional Veteran and Y8

Y-14 Men's Foil (B3, Y14), February 2, 2019
Place 167 of 177, Seed 121, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 CHENG Jonathan 17 42 B18 91 5T Fencers Club 3151 1570 0.8 1%
Pool L 1:5 SOSNOV David 173 U 15 2981 1569 2.3 2%
Pool L 2:5 PO Oliver 117 U 125 Fencers Club Inc. 2645 1567 4.5 4%
Pool L 2:5 WILLIAMS Connor J. 69 D19 112 Birmingham Fencing Club 1941 1562 20.9 28%
Pool L 1:5 HUTH Mitchell 36 118 C18 26 Research Triangle Fencing 2887 1541 1.8 2%
Pool L 2:5 KOBAL Maximilian 89 E18 37 Salle Green LLC 2996 1539 1.4 1%
T256 L 7:15 HONG ISSAC 106 U 92 Fencing Academy Of Westchester 2423 1738 74.2 19%

Capitol Clash SYC & RCC with Non-Regional Veteran and Y8

Y-12 Men's Foil (C2, Y12), February 1, 2019
Place 106 of 125, Seed 83, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 ZHANG Evan 23 53 U 50 Olympia Fencing Center 2465 1571 8.4 8%
Pool L 2:5 SONG Austin 93 U 71 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 2106 1563 17.2 20%
Pool L 0:5 WONG Garrick G. 125 U 21 Birmingham Fencing Club 2828 1546 2.7 2%
Pool L 0:5 LI Richard 14 29 D18 15 Fencing Academy Of Westchester / Olympian Fencing Studio 3075 1543 1.0 1%
Pool L 2:5 PO Oliver 48 117 U 66 Fencers Club Inc. 2636 1542 4.5 4%
Pool W 5:2 XU Dinghui Ryan 60 U 123 Baltimore Mid Atlantic Fencing Academy 1548 1538 32.2 49%
T128 L 3:15 ZHEN Ethan 58 U 24 Gold Fencing Club 2704 1794 56.4 12%

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Y-12 Men's Foil (C2, Y12), November 25, 2018
Place 108 of 145, Seed 144, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 TSIMIKLIS Yanni 108 U 50 5T Fencers Club 2037 1459 19.9 21%
Pool L 0:5 WONG Adrian 19 27 E18 28 3606 1439 0.2 < 1%
Pool L 0:5 LEE Joshua 24 34 U 8 Top Fencing Club 2598 1439 4.9 4%
Pool W 5:4 NG Jeremiah 94 U 98 Salle Marquis De Lafayette 2087 1434 79.4 17%
Pool L 1:5 CULLIVAN Justice 61 105 U 66 Columbus Fencing And Fitness 2274 1513 12.6 13%
Pool W 5:1 CHENG Ethan 102 U 134 Olympia Fencing Center 2028 1501 70.7 21%
T128 L 6:15 GORBACHEV Alexander 36 54 U 14 Masters Fencing Club / V Fencing Club 2504 1900 105.8 25%

Cobra Challenge SYC/RCC/Y8

Y-14 Men's Foil (B2/C3, Y14), November 24, 2018
Place 154 of 167, Seed 125, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 ONIK Elijah T. 29 87 D18 12 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2801 1583 5.1 3%
Pool L 3:5 WECHSLER Jacob 68 E18 137 Fencers Club 1598 1578 52.0 49%
Pool L 1:5 BAO Aaron 119 U 71 Silicon Valley Fencing Center 2161 1526 20.3 17%
Pool L 1:5 ZHAO Jesse 77 E17 82 International Fencers Alliance of Boston 2078 1506 21.9 19%
Pool L 3:5 ROBSON Samuel 20 64 E18 8 2873 1484 2.8 2%
Pool L 3:5 LE Jacob W. 116 U 117 Golubitsky Fencing Center 2020 1481 22.2 21%
T256 L 3:15 ORVANANOS Jorge 75 E18 103 Fencers Club 2990 1962 62.2 11%

Fairfax Challenge SYC

Y-12 Men's Foil (C2, Y12), October 8, 2018
Place 64 of 69, Seed 57, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 2:5 DESERANNO Jeidus 3 6 C18 3 Renaissance Fencing Club 3378 1729 2.3 1%
Pool L 2:5 PO Oliver 45 U 49 Fencers Club Inc. 2359 1726 26.8 20%
Pool L 1:5 GEOGHEGAN Ronan 23 66 U 21 Fencers Club Inc. 2484 1700 19.5 14%
Pool L 2:5 QIU Daniel 38 U 40 Fencing Sports Academy, Inc. 1333 1680 75.8 67%
Pool L 2:5 GUO Justin 52 U 54 5T Fencers Club 2356 1604 18.0 13%
Pool L 0:5 GORBACHEV Alexander 18 52 U 19 Masters Fencing Club / V Fencing Club 3088 1586 2.9 2%
T128 W 15:8 LEWIS Nikhil I. 41 U 65 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2206 1621 349.2 29%
T64 L 2:15 CHENG Jonathan 1 2 C18 1 5T Fencers Club 3887 1971 8.2 1%

Fairfax Challenge SYC

Y-14 Men's Foil (B2, Y14), October 7, 2018
Place 74 of 80, Seed 67, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 GEOGHEGAN Ronan 48 U 40 Fencers Club Inc. 2500 2084 46.3 35%
Pool L 1:5 CHIN Julian S. 25 113 U 20 Massialas Foundation (m Team) 2047 2037 90.9 49%
Pool L 2:5 GAO William 52 U 68 Baltimore Fencing Center 1354 1946 140.6 79%
Pool L 2:5 STANLEY Mason B. 1 20 B18 3 Moe Fencing Club Llc 2732 1806 17.4 9%
Pool L 4:5 CATINO Brennen 77 U 23 Fencers School of Connecticut / 5T Fencers Club 2521 1788 24.5 14%
Pool L 3:5 LEE Joshua 23 102 U 53 Top Fencing Club 2266 1764 35.3 24%
T128 L 5:15 AUGUSTINE Aaron A. 46 U 55 Gutkovskiy Fencing Academy 2774 1719 97.6 13%

Neil Lazar RYC/Vet ROC

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), September 23, 2018
Place 41 of 57, Seed 52, Not ranked, Rating U, Petrarca
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 0:5 YAN Edward Tianshuo 32 U 24 Olympia Fencing Center 2202 2117 178.3 46%
Pool W 5:1 LI Aaron 37 U 51 International Fencers Alliance of Boston 2742 1939 291.2 16%
Pool W 5:1 HONG Issac 57 U 49 Fencing Academy of Westchester 1619 2230 58.6 76%
Pool L 0:5 AHN Jun 23 91 U 9 North Shore Fencers Club 2422 2289 104.6 43%
Pool L 4:5 CATINO Brennen 16 65 U 35 Fencers School of Connecticut / 5T Fencers Club 2480 2184 78.8 34%
Pool L 1:5 PELOSKY Zack B. 3 9 E17 2 Fencers Club Inc. 3075 2105 21.6 8%
T64 L 6:15 YAN Edward Tianshuo 32 U 24 Olympia Fencing Center 2168 2079 360.4 47%

Charter Oak Charity RYC/Cadet/Vet

Y-12 Men's Foil (U, Y12), September 8, 2018
Place 35 of 42, Seed 27, Not ranked, Rating U
Bout Score Opponent Seed Rank Rating Place Club Opponent
Strength Change Chance of
Pool L 1:5 LI Owen 3 26 U 2 International Fencers Alliance of Boston 2500 2500 420.5 50%
Pool L 1:5 GUO Justin 15 U 14 5T Fencers Club 2921 2079 178.3 24%
Pool L 1:5 CATINO Brennen 10 81 U 11 Fencers School of Connecticut / 5T Fencers Club 3099 1901 99.9 14%
Pool W 5:4 LORANGER Peter 40 U 25 Fairfield Fencing Academy 2680 1801 518.4 20%
Pool W 5:2 ZHUANG Chuanxuan 22 U 39 Gold Fencing Club 1459 2320 92.6 82%
Pool L 0:5 OTTO Nathaniel B. 39 U 33 Fencing Academy of Philadelphia North 1950 2412 295.0 69%
T64 L 11:15 PITERBARG Maxim 37 U 30 Fairfield Fencing Academy 2500 2500 420.5 50%